Small changes that would make eRepublic a lot more user-friendly

Day 1,605, 02:28 Published in USA Hungary by Swoosh.

Please don't V1 in the comments.
Please don't complain about economy module.
Please don't complain about the politics module.

Let's just write down a few small changes, and usability helpers, so this game would be easier to understand for new players, and easier to use for everybody.

I know "they" are not really listening, but still ... I want to write down this for myself 🙂

Ideas are welcome, comment, I will update this article, maybe re-publish as a different one later on.

Profile Page
1. I would like to see there the user's last wall posts.

War list

1. Mercenary Filter : it would be nice to have a filter to show only battles that you don't yet have the flag for.

2. Bonuses that the fight is for (if any) could be displayed next to each battle. (Ex.: winner will get or keep the "grain".) Would be interesting when you could see 3-4 or more bonuses for one battle. (Like recently in Brasil if I am not mistaken)


1. Tag alerts : Lots of people doesn't like Facebook, but let's face it. The Nick-tag in Facebook would be great to use around here. Ex.: In a wall-post or in any article's comment, if you would use @Swooshy, I would get a notification ... That would be awesome.
Be honest. How many times do you go back to articles to check if anyone mentioned you.

2. Fix that bug already
%%2%%, %%4%% %%9%% %%6%% %%10%% commented on your post.
Ge'zenguz , I don't like your nickname ! 😃

3. Sometimes chain shouts take up all your wall. Wouldn't it be nice to have a "share" for each shout, so when chain shout appears on your wall, then instead of having 8 different messages, you could see something like: "Swoosy and 8 others shared this: <> ". There is something similar in Facebook ... It would help a lot.


1. Let us publish in any country. Not just your CS country. Even if there would be a small fee to buy publishing rights for a specific country (something like the way the licenses work currently)

1. Wouldn't it be nice to see Max damage in storage screen for bazookas? (Maybe even adding q6-tank-depending energy-bar-using numbers as well)
2. Add more than 9999 items on sale for the market ... right now if I put 15000, it will only add 9999, and then I have to re-add my "leftovers"
3. I would like to see the amount of CC i will get from everything I have posted on the market for sale.

1. "Select all" button for all the companies

Overall, system-wide

1. More touch-screen compatibility
No it doesn't have to be rebuilt the whole system for Android. It works all right. But it's very hard to check the food-time-hours-minutes or the Mercenary countries kill-count for example. This is pretty much it from me at this point.

2. the search ... that could search for Military Units, Articles, Parties etc ... Right?