Six years is a good run, is it not?

Day 5,227, 11:08 Published in Canada Canada by Wilhem Klink

Welp, the time has arrived to end the Captains of Industry's Daily Order Program.

I've been part of the Captains of Industry slave pits since September of 2012. I particpated as a pit-owner for several years helping to fund Fridays Fights and then the Daily Order Reward program until Goran retired and I took over the Daily Order program in April 2016.

We were a straight Q6 weapons production until we switched to Q7s in May of 2015 and we've produced, and distributed over 425,000 weapons.

Which brings me this announcement. The game's getting a bit stale and I'm losing interest in checking in every day, record-keeping, paying out, and trying to still have some level of enjoyment. I'm on a 3,900 day work streak and its one thing to just login, work, fight, logout but the record keeping piece is now just a grind and I often find myself forgetting to give out DO rewards or pay slaves weekly.

I'll wind the pits down and payout the remaining tanks in the next couple of months. We'll have some specials where the payouts are higher. To be clear, its not a lack of cash or employees that's driving this. Partly its that Q7s are not as important as they used to be with the advent of air battles in each round. That plays out in the slumping market price of Q7 weapons. Additionally (and mostly) I'm just lacking motivation to run this.

Pit workers.

, I'll adjust your salary to 2650cc per work, with a super-bonus Q7 payout next week and then pay no longer includes Q7s

Its been fun for most of this, but the curtain is drawing down.

Special thanks to long-term slave pit workers:
Diamond Hands (start date Dec 2014) followed the pit location when it changed from USA to Turkey to Serbia to Canada
BettyNT (start date Jan 2017)
ScottMo (Start date July 2016)
Duder ( Feb 2016 to Jan 2021) *dead citizen*

All the other pit owners over the years (at least the ones I can remember)
Goran Thrax
Joey JoJo Shabbadoo
Sally Willis

And the many, many folks who've donated.

Captains of Industry will continue to be a MU, just not one that distributes Q7s.

Thanks all for role-playing with us.
Wilhem Klink