sir_c0nstant- Finance and health

Day 923, 14:56 Published in Australia Australia by Sir_c0nstant

Hello eAustralia,

Here is my first of 2 articles outlining my policies.

I am glad to say Venja is also going to be my Minister of Finance. I will be asking him to keep the money market peg around the 0.02 (50-52 aud) mark and to continue taking advantage of market movements.
We will be looking at reducing the trading margin to induce more trade so that all eAustralians can make profits on the market not just the MM traders. We need to also be conscious of our spending and will need to continue to accumulate wealth as we now know the cost of a successful defense of WA to be very high and would need this amount to always be in reserve.

Health, Education and tourism
There are many initiatives in place at the moment so would be unwise to change the personnel too much here.
So to add more added value to this portfolio Kyle Thornton is added as a deputy to learn and help out with his media skills.
A more targeted ad campaign will be implemented to find not only high skill workers to boost our worker shortage, but also to make more people aware of the education opportunities available to them.
Kirkzzy will head up the education department as he has shown initiative in this area to bring ideas to the table, I will work with him and the team assembled on how best to implement his ideas (especially mentors) into a working and valuable asset to eAustralia.

