Day 2,124, 02:46 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

SEANAN's Court Martial

Captain of the Proceedings: Miss you are being charged with dragging politics into our Army and acting in a way that dishonored our fine Army. how do you plea?

Seanan: Not guilty

COP: Isnt it so that during the Epic Warfare event some members of the Irish Army didnt receive WEPS or Food.

Seanan: Yes Sure but.... (gets stopped by Officer in Charge of Proceedings)

COP: What was the reason?

Seanan: they made jokes that was pedophilic.

COP: There was such a rule beforehand in the Army?

Seanan: No but ...(gets stopped )

COP: Could you provide proof? of these statements.

Seanan: No

COP: You claimed that this was a decision by the Community?

Seanan: Yes.

COP: Can you list the people that supported this and those that didnt!

Seanan: No

COP: Miss I am going to show you some pics of soldiers begging for WEPS AND FOOD whilst we were then third in the ranks!



Seanan: Yes!

OIC: You have brought much disrespect to our fine Irish Army

Seanan: Yes!

OIC: YOur sentence will be a cashiering to be held tomorrow on the parade ground at 7 AM

The next day Seanan dutifully is brought before the parade ground.

Bhane a high officer in the Irish Army(not the MU) walks in front of Seanan grabs her General rank and tears it off her uniform before throwing it on the ground.

Rikhian walks towards Seanan grabs her medals and tears them of her uniform throwing them on the ground.

Finally Sweet Drinker walks towards her grabs her sword and breaks it on the ground throwing it with contempt on the ground.

At this points Seanan is completely stripped of all military insignia and walks of the ground a normal private again.

After she leaves the parade ground her emotions get to her and she starts crying. Bending over. As she bend back RTK is in front of her and then licks up her tears!

RTK: Your tears are delicious my dear and then walks away laughing.

-The End-

This is just a dramatization of what I think should be the action that befell Seanan atm the greatest betrayer of the Irish cause. All you need to do is watch the rankings and MU 's of the top ranked players. It is evident that they got a lot of WEPS. ATM i have bought probably 600 Q7 WEPS and is near the end of my resources. For my efforts in getting us third I am being punished indeed a crying shame. In our greatest hour others is in the same boat. Therefore I ask that our richer benefactors donate to me WEPS and food to be distributed to our fine members. To keep everything above board I will indicate my own loans as well. We cannot allow known betrayers of the Irish cause(MrConway and Seanan) deciding on who should get WEPS.

check out this profile number in 8 days it disappears and we can have a great party!!