Scrabman+Conservatism+Marines+ = Ronald Reagan

Day 527, 20:19 Published in USA USA by Jon Malcom

I wanna say that while I'm sure Scrabman has made some mistakes, he has been a great president.
1. Great military policy-President Scrabman has done some great stuff with Baja Battles. The marines have seen a lot of action but for those Ewarriors there is never enough action in the world!
I have gained so much experience points and have advanced so much as well. I love seeing citizens happy to be eAmerican's.
2. Great Communication Skills- He has done a good job with comm, I don't hang out on the forums very much but I enjoy seeing the new press release. I haven't enjoyed the new article he put out "something big is coming" we need more than that Mr. President.
3. Great Team- He has a good team working for him and with as well as getting congress to work with him on the issues. I have to say Claire Littleton is doing a GREAT job. Thanks Claire...