rules of engagement

Day 1,107, 04:52 Published in Greece Greece by arxaios
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Δεν αλλαξαν μονο το οικονομικο κομματι , αλλα και τους κανονες του πολεμου
Αυτοι ειναι οι νεοι κανονες ωστε ολοι οσοι θελουν να κανουν τα δικα τους επιχειρησιακα πλανα και να γινουν MoD στην θεση του MoD να το κανουν βαση τα νεα δεδομενα 🙂

New Attack Rules
We’ve worked on changing the attack rules and here they are:

First of all, we’ve brought back the initiative system that used to work so well in V1: when a new war is being started, the initiator of the war will hold initiative, which means he can decide which enemy region to attack. While holding initiative, he cannot be attacked by the opposing country in this war. He will keep the initiative as long as he keeps winning the battles and thus conquers enemy regions. In the moment he will lose his first battle, the initiative will change, now the enemy will be able to counter attack.

A new rule is the fact that, in a war,only one region can be attacked at a time. So all citizens can engage themselves in one battle and make sure they get the best out of it.

Another new addition is the fact that battles will be started automatically if the president cannot decide in time. Basically, the side that holds initiative has 6 hours to decide which region to attack. Once he does, the battle will be started immediately, else, at the end of the 6 hours time, a battle will be automatically started in one of the attackable regions. The greater news that comes once with this new rule is the fact that opening battles will have no costs from now on! This will ensure a state of war, avoiding active wars with no battles in a long time.

Speaking of these type of wars, on Tuesday, Day 1099 of the New World, all the active wars with no battles in the past 30 days will be closed. Also, once this new features goes live, the initiative will be set in the remaining active wars to the country winning the last battle.

More insights on the rules we kept and those we didn’t:
- Battle Queues will continue to exist. Basically, once a side will decide to attack a region that is already a battlefield in another war, the attack will be queued until the previous battles on that region end. If region is being conquered in one of the previous battles, the queue will be dissolved. If your attack was in the dissolved queue, another attackable region will automatically become a battle in your war. Also Resistance battles can be queued; the good news is that, if the queue gets dissolved before the Resistance Battle takes place, the Gold spent on starting it will be returned to the initiator.
- Attacking regions will no longer depend on what happens in the other wars your country is involved into. So, you will be able to initiate attacks even if your border regions will be under attack in other wars.
- If, at some point, the two countries involved in a war will no longer share common borders, the war between those two will automatically be closed