RoyMunson: Destroying the Dreams of Others One Article at a Time!

Day 524, 20:17 Published in USA USA by Jon Malcom

The headline rea😛 Uncle Sam is a Joke...

The truth is that while Uncle Sam may not have been a great president at least he is a great dreamer. RoyMunson you have jumped on the Uncle Same Hate Bandwagon haven't you? I calls em as I sees em Roy!

1 April 8th Sam creates the United Democratic Party and it is quickly taken over by Indonesians. Now could Sam have forseen this? Can he predict the future? I think not.
2.- April 15th - Uncle Sam joins the PD (RL Latvian party) and pledges to bring his "American Voting Squad" and save the treasury from being stolen.
Well okay here is what gets me the PD did win six seats and can Roy say that he was watching the whole thing like a hawk...I think not America. Unless Roy has no life, in that case yes he is correct...
3. April 27th - Uncle Sam submits his candidacy for President of eLatvia.
Well you got me there Roy...oh me oh my. WHAT THE HECK HAVE YOU DONE RECENTLY?!!

There you have it America: Roy Munson crushing the dreams of citizens everywhere and jumping on the bandwagon of IHateUncleSam...
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