Romania and EDEN

Day 773, 13:45 Published in USA Romania by 8-3=1

I am writing this article in English as it might be of some importance also for the non-Romanian readers.

First of all, I would like to wish all eCitizens (both PHOENIX and EDEN) a Happy New Year!

As most of you are aware, Hungary attacked Romania (against 10MPPs) and conquered two regions: Crisana and more importantly Transilvania. Two Q5 defense and hospitals were also lost during the attack. Now the campaign continues with an attack on the region of Maramures.

The attack brings into the game some RL issues that not everyone might be aware of. Transilvania (Erdely in Hungarian) is a RL sensitive issue for both Romanians and Hungarians and any attack will be regarded by Romania as a top priority. That is why many players were dissapointed (some of them even outraged) by the lack of support from EDEN regarding defense of Transilvania.

If we disregard RL issues, EDEN strategy was successful. Some important battles were won (Croatia wiped out Slovenia, erasing their MPPs; Spania conquered Paris-France; high-iron regions in SE Asia were recovered from PHOENIX and are now under EDEN control, the situation in overall Asia is better- except Helliongjang- and also India and China are getting close to the alliance). The way was opened for EDEN to have full control over Western Europe (with Polish and Spanish advances, supported by Sweden). The price paid sofar for this: the loss of Romanian regions.

If EDEN is to be successful until the end, now the allies should rush into Romanian help. There is no other important war to justify not helping. Also some compensation should be discussed between Romania and EDEN, not necessarily a financial compensation but perhaps sending EMC to fight in RW in Crisana, helping build the lost hospitals and defense systems, helping recover Transilvania as soon as possible, providing support for further offensive campaigns of Romania etc.

EDEN should not underestimate the importance of Romania in the Eastern sector. While EDEN will be able to control Western Europe, Romania and Croatia are the strongholds in the Eastern Europe dominated by Hungary, Russia and Serbia. A neutral Romania will imbalance the Eastern Europe even further in the advantage of PHOENIX, opening way for an invasion from East towards the West.

Let's hope diplomacy will sort out this as soon as possible and then military and economy will follow the lead.

Hail Romania and EDEN!