Rollback Time(JPN)

Day 1,015, 15:54 Published in Japan New Zealand by Marcos Arolia

(Saturday's article:


Day 1015 of the New World

Harbin, China


Welcome to the third week of the East Asia Daily, the main source in discussing and learning of the news from your neighbors collected into one resource. Let us now answer your comments, shall we?


Alfred Ball- You're forgiven. It doesn't matter now though; the PTOers are now known.

KITA Ikki- Thank you for the more detailed praise than usual. I will answer any question in the next article, unless it is the editorial, in which it will be answered the next week. There are exceptions to this as I will be showing in the Korean version.

Geno Garon- Your answer is in the Korean comments of the last Daily, not the editorial.

Jesse B. Badesha- If that was true, then why bother with the holidays? The people here may not be RL Japanese in majority, but they are loyal to the Empire and all it represents.

Thank you for your responses! I look forward to your thought-provoking comments tomorrow.



We begin with Ink on Papyrus, another paper which focuses on the economy. Vai Siv, its editor and writer, predicted a month ago that prices would be lowered to the price of .008-.015 GOLD. In this followup of the last article, Mr. Siv has stated that his predicition is on schedule, maybe even ahead. After analysing the markets, he has come to the conclusion that local currencies have dropped 4%. He also discusses the Eat Food feature that was implemented coming to an interesting conclusion: Players will more likely retrieve their wellness from housing due to the cheaper prices.

Alfagrem, famous entrepeneur from Korea, has again attempted to troll the Japanese. I know you'll likely be reading this, so I ask you: Did you even try? That was halfhearted at best...very poor at worst if you did try.

Geno Garon, proprietor of The Orange News, has posted eRepublik smilies. Please look here to find out was is presentable to show in this game:

Finally, Shinybluepope has written a poem:


The East Asia Daily editorial is the most popular article today! Of course it ws the only article in the past two days, but I digress.


We begin with the journal-like paper The Red Mile, which discusses how some members of the South Korean Guard were wiped out in battle. If that was actally true, it would likely be the work of the Praetorian Guard, a mercenary group that fights for whoever pays them first.

The Square Coffee continues its work in discussing congressional proposals, this time tax changes on housing, rifles and tanks are proposed. For battle heroes, JaFe won a battle hero in one of our resistance wars in Kangwon. Also, she introduces the forums and how one should be going there.

Jeju Gunjeon, written by former Korean President Yonai Keiko, argues against an immediate vote on tax changes. She argues that the Tax Code should not be changed at whim with every congressional election and votes should be put on hold. She calls debate an excellent method on making good decisions.

President Grease has been highly busy with articles beginning with Skype. If you have Skype, his account is dao539. His article, entirely in Hangul, can be discussed in certain points:

1. Personal Economy
2. National Economy

Both are discussed in detail. There is little activity in the forum, so, to stimulate communication, he has proposed to remove the 'mask' from the blocked areas. Finally, he lists those who donated GOLD to the Bank of Seoul.

A congratulations for the e-marriage of Minister of Defence Arjay Phoenician and Assemblywoman leiwahara has already been given.


Busy times as usual. The attempted rebellion in Eastern Siberia failed today. It came after admin rolled back the earlier battles due to the use of bugs. eChina Daily has welcomed back Eastern Siberia along with being the main source of explaination. In other words, that is where I first learned this news. Tendency, written by clover213, details the fighting that took place in the now rolled back war and the reasoning for the move.

On an unrelated note, President wangxiaoyall has posted to a government hospital run by the Ministry of Welfare known as JIAJUNPENG Hospital CO. Chinese Welfare, the official paper for the Ministry of Welfare, has also posted about this. Manager/managers working for the hospital have been sacked.

Another attempt to troll the Russians.

While busy, the main focus of that busy nature is to mock Russia at its misfortune.

There will be no INTERNATIONAL today.

Thank you. Please vote, subscribe, and comment!

Marcos Arolia