Rocking the Boat

Day 2,064, 00:33 Published in USA Australia by wingfield

Vote here and vote for me in the WTP party election!

Something hit me when I was writing my last article. All the argument in the world will only persuade some of the audience. To take the next step, you have to do something to get people’s attention.

So far, I have pointed out the evils of the UNITY/AFA lockdown of our political scene. Now is the time for action.

I have rejoined the WTP and nominated for party president.

Now come the howls of outrage!

I play eRepublik, not some meta-game smoke-filled room, where a select few decide who is going to run the show. So, primaries are out.

People say to keep your head down after making a point. Whatever for? Do you want your previous effort and energy wasted? That just makes it harder for the next person who wants to speak out.

People say that you should not break party rules? What rules? The only “rules” that count are the numbers.

So, I am not afraid to rock the boat. I am also no longer afraid to adopt the tactics of those who are attempting to suppress democracy. They tell people to move at their beck and call. “Check in to the ATO IRC before voting” … “hold your vote” … “switch to this party to support the ATO effort” … “Stop the AFA holding their party”. Yeah, right.

Somehow or other, these tactics don’t work. The obsession with an unpleasant minority just doesn’t seem to stop. It doesn’t stop those guys holding on to a party, even if they have to move when they are chased out of the one they are in. The math is that they have enough people to frustrate us forever.

Still, when someone from the ordinary eUS community stands up against the puppeteers in the other four top parties; when someone else suggests that people support a challenge to the existing order, the powerbrokers scream about rules and complain about anyone asking supporters to switch parties.

Anyway, I am now working to take one of the top 5 parties away from Unity. That is the only way to change things for the better. An independent party which operates for those who belong to it and treads its own path, just as I set out in my last article.

That is the way forward. I love creating the opportunity to debate. Then people can make their own choices. You cannot silence them forever.

Happily rocking the boat! This is only the beginning.