Regiment One

Day 2,176, 06:34 Published in South Africa Norway by Enriche2Ribeiro

Hello people. Well recently I offered my services to eSAAF in any way possible. They took my offer and gave me a position of Regiment 1 Captain. I have belonged to many MU’s and in doing this I have learnt a lot of different things. One problem plaguing this game is inactivity. So why should I join eSAAF?

Let me tell you. eSAAF is made up of High command – Which is Commander Grimstone, Deputy Commander Miyagiyoda. Then the regiment captains Me, Claudio, Kuckkuck and Greekpwner. eSAAF currently has the best supplies in eSA. When you work in one of eSAAF’s communes, you ask for supplies via an easy form and bam we deliver to your doorstep (with a smile). You can get up to 24 Q7 weapons a day depending on how many kills you do.

We are a great MU and I wish to implement some things into my regiment. I will give you my regiment’s members names.

Butumba spok
Vercetti 777
Wessel Gildenhys
Anthony Clark
Juke 7878
Blackbeard the pirate

First off we need to get you guys into uniform. What does that mean? Well it is simple if you look at the avatars of the members of eSAAF they all should have a ribbon around their profile picture. So if you don’t have it, don’t worry it is easy to fix. I can either do it for you or you can do it, all you do is get the link for the ribbon.

Secondly we will be having a weekly roll call what that means is, on a weekly basis I will put out an article calling all regiment members to report for roll call. It is simple in the articles comments you simple post a salute – o7 – then it will be seen as that you are accounted for.

Thirdly. Do you work for the eSAAF commune? If yes get back to work! 😛 If no then you are silly. For working everyday you get paid 10 ZAR plus you can request one of three options a) 6Q7 weapons and 600 wellness (food) b) 7Q7 weapons c) 65 ZAR. So show me where you get a better deal. And we will even give you extra cash to move to go fight.

I will also be sending out a bulk pm so that we can communicate. If you need anything just drop me a pm and I will help. If I can’t help I’m sure big brother will help (Miyagiyoda)

So you can all report for roll call in this article (this will be the first of many).

Thank you
Regiment One
Captain Ricky