Recent Issues Within eRepublik and How to Resolve Them

Day 1,057, 17:06 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Germany by Alex Drex

Hello readers,

In this article, I will publish my opinions about the recent changes (the past couple of weeks) and what I think should happen in order to improve the game. I hope you enjoy, feel free to comment with your own opinions or any feedback.

WARNING: This article contains large amounts of srs bsnss read at your own risk!


So, on with the article... Not too long ago, the admins decided to switch the war model from the v2 player vs player (pvp) tiled map system back to more of a walled system like v1, with some of the aesthetics of v2. Which, admittedly, was a change I was very excited to see. Then it came around, and I was pretty happy with it. It was very similar to v1 and allowed for quicker fighting, etc. After a couple of days I quickly realized the downside of this revised module.

As I was browsing through battles and just sitting here on eRepublik, I found out that there was no longer a limit on the number of wellness packs that one may purchase, pointed out to me by Max McFarland 2's shouts and pics of the astounding amount of damage that he dealt. I quickly realized what this would mean for the majority of players who do not purchase large amounts of gold, and for the countries who are not extremely wealthy - we would have no chance on the battlefield. With the infinite supplies of wellness packs, one person could (still can, rather), quite literally, defeat an entire country on the field of battle.

Secondly, the changes to the MPP systems are, to be completely and brutally honest, completely horrendous. The new changes to the system completely destroy tactical and strategical planning within eRepublik battles. Now, the only decision that needs to be made is which battle to fight in, completely destroying the strategy and planning of military masterminds on both sides of the never-ending war that wages in eRepublik.

Furthermore, the removal of the retreat system adds another nail in the coffin of the strategy that once took place in the military module of eRepublik. Retreating is a strategy! It should not be removed, doing so only deteriorates the quality of the military module in eRepublik.

Finally, the very recent update to the Media Module that prohibits citizens from writing in a country in which they do not have citizenship is completely outrageous. The Media Module has long been the last haven of many eRepublik players, the one and only feature not molested by the admins cruel habits of destroying everything they try to improve. This change is a terrible one, perhaps one of the worst I have seen in a very long time, maybe the worst.

Now, on to the solutions, most of which being quite simple.


First, the military module, including infinite wellness packs, adjustments to the Mutual Protection Pact system, and the removal of the retreat button.

Solution #1:
Obviously, I would suggest putting a cap on the amount of wellness packs that are available to be purchased per day, the number of this limit is up to debate, but I would say that around 50 per day is quite a fair number.

Why?: An unlimited amount of wellness packs, while it may be good for short term revenue, is terrible for eRepublik earnings in the long run, if you are to look at it from a purely business standpoint. It drives away customers that do not have lots of money to spend on this game, or any, in the case of many (including myself). Not only does it drive away the non-paying customers, but it lessens the amount of new citizens each day, because the people that possibly would have told their friends about eRepublik, have now quit the game. On a player standpoint, it is unfair that a single player can beat an entire country on the battlefield, simply because he has more money. Also, it makes fighting less fun, when you know that you cannot possibly beat your enemy, because they have so much more funding than you, resulting in even more people quitting. And finally, when more people get fed up and quit, the game eventually becomes boring for those who are able to spend massive amounts of money to win now, because in the future, they won't have hardly as many opponents, making it less entertaining for them. In the end, it is in the best interest of all of eRepublik that there be a limit to the amount of wellness packs available.

Solution #2:
This one is also extremely simple. Seriously, just put it back to how it was before the most recent update, there was nothing wrong with it.

The previous MPP system required a great deal of strategy and planning in order to assure success in military campaigns, which was one of the most fun aspects of eRepublik. These new adjustments completely destroy the strategy, because it makes it so the country that can afford the most MPPs (oh look, money related again, seeing a pattern?) will win, regardless of the strategies or soldiers on the opposite side of the battle. It dooms the smaller/less wealthy countries that are unable to afford massive amounts of MPPs. In order to improve this game, this change must be reverted, as soon as possible!

Solution #3:
Another simple solution for you (most of the solutions to the problems of eRepublik are quite simple), just add the button back. Once again, this all has to do with strategy. Retreating is a strategy of warfare! Back when initiative*** was still a factor in eRepublik warfare, retreating was a major part of success in war. However, even today without initiative it's still a big part. Without retreating, there can be no quick region swaps and joint-allied attacks on enemies that these countries aren't bordered with, which makes the game less exciting. Also, it will be far more difficult to move allies into friendly regions that they wish to rent. Finally, the admins stated in their message to eRepublik citizens that this was to combat against PTOs, however, the admins must not realize that retreating is often used to FIGHT PTOS!!! While the actual country still has control, often times they are able to retreat many of the regions that contain PTO-candidates before a congressional election occurs, which often protects them from PTOs. It's happened before, and it helps. The retreat button is extremely useful, and should be kept within the game.

Now for the Media Module, still extremely simple, like all of the solutions here.

Solution #4:
Change it back. Citizens should be allowed to write articles in whatever country they please. It is the right of the author, and it should never be taken away!

Writing in other countries is often used by governments to call for aid, or to give thanks for recent support, or a number of other diplomatic occasions. Also, people are often involved in multiple countries' communities, and thus write articles in multiple countries medias. Not to mention the fact that people write in different places to cater to different audiences. Furthermore, it's quite common for ambassadors to write articles in the media of the country that they are diplomatically tied to. Finally, anyone should be allowed to write wherever they wish, because it is their right to do so! They should have the ability if the want to publish one article in Germany, and the next in Hungary, or Poland, or Russia, or the USA, or anywhere they wish!

*** = I still feel that initiative should be brought back into eRepublik, but as I stated this article would be about "recent issues" I will not go into further analysis of initiative, at this time.

Thank you all for reading, and I hope you have enjoyed it, I know it's quite long, but I do believe it's necessary. Feel free to post your opinions, give feedback, or just share your thoughts in the comments.

I figured that I will post some of the related articles about these subjects here, so if you want some more to read and liked this article (or maybe you didn't like this article but still want more to read 😉 ) then check these out:

(more to come if I find more.)

Also, sign this petition! :

Alex Drex
-Former Ambassador to US and Canada
-Former KSK III Soldier
-Kazawan Imperial Guard Soldier
-Member of Kazawan Liberation Front

Ipsa scientia potesta est.
Knowledge itself is power.