RE: Protect the Neutrality of Bootcamp

Day 1,716, 12:17 Published in Ireland Ireland by MrConway

Yesterday we have witnessed an attack on Irish democracy. Our party THE PATRIOTS was PTO’d (Politically Take Over) by a Croatian force present within eIreland. This force was believed to be friendly towards eIreland but following this attack we believe a threat is posed to our national security. Our party is the third largest in eIreland, we are the fastest growing and still an easy target to this hostile force. We would advise all other parties to be on alert.

The Croatian PTO was led by Mr. Jack X who gathered a total of 26 votes. However not all of these votes were from Croatian players, we monitored the situation closely and have found multi-account who were used in the attack. They joined the party for a brief period of time, 3-4 minutes, in which they voted and left. Below you will find a list of these accounts:

We have ticketed the admins and spoken to several contacts. We have also brought this situation to our President’s attention who has said he will be raising the matter in his next update.

[Eire Aonair]

We would like to apologise to Eire Aonair for our mistake in thinking that they also faced a PTO. It was of our belief originally that the party was under threat and we sent a small Anti Take-Over team to assist. It was then brought to our knowledge by Eire Aonair founder Ian E CoIeman that both candidates were legit. THE PATRIOTS sends its apologies to all of Eire Aonair and hopes they continue on their path of success by being one of the most influential parties in politics.

[Irish Union Party]

We would like to thank Brent Wyrick of the Irish Union Party for kind offer made to THE PATRIOTS following recent affairs. He has offered our members a temporary home within his party. This would enable us to run our candidates for congress a have a fair representation of our party. This deal is being discussed by both ends but we felt this generosity and nobleness had to be brought to public light and acknowledged.

“ I'm doing this because ,you, regardless of our differences on the political battlefield are above Ptoers.”
Brent Wyrick's words about THE PATRIOTS.

[Final Words]
We would like to thank anyone who helped in the Anti Take-Over of our party, it was much appreciated. Also congratulations to all other newly elected Party Presidents, THE PATRIOTS real leadership looks forward to working with you to bring progress and prosperity to eIreland.

Thank you,

I am writing this article in reply to a dirty mudsling attempt on Presidential Campaign here.

This article has angered me because no Bootcamp member approached me over the situation and WHS did not approach me over the situation. Instead he wrote an article making a situation look worse than it was, and singling me out as a bad guy.

As you can see in the picture I am linking my article, not asking for them to vote for me in an election, I am just increasing the awareness of my campaign. Another thing about this is that you can see the player Gwenyth agrees that the Bootcamp is not a place for politics. Well that’s not what s/he really believes in.

But members of Bootcamp use the shoutbox to raise awareness on articles, whether it is political or not. I am not asking for their votes, I am just raising awarenesss.

That’s all I want people to know, I am not abusing my power and ordering Bootcamp to vote for me. We live in a democracy remember. People need to communicate remember?

Tiocfaidh Ar Lá,