Re-Elect Trenton Rendell

Day 692, 18:20 Published in Canada Canada by Trenton Rendell

In the past month we have seen many changes and things stay the same. Under my leadership we were able to create the 'CSD Wellness Project' a project devoted to helping members out when they need it. I wish to further promote and expand this Project.

Under my leadership we've seen almost a 30 member serge. aswell as 10 new accounts made on the forums.
If re-elected I wish to further promote our party and our values to make us a 200 Member Party.

My Pro-CSD Presidential Election was possibly the most talked about and the most criticized. Opponents may say that because of my actions we lost the chance for Cham to be elected. I disagree I knew going in that the DAL/CPP were going to run WDDH and that the CPF/CNC were going to run their own candidate.
If re-elected I will open discussions with members of other parties seeking the CSD Nomination.

I've also renamed our Party's Newspaper and designed the Party's Logo to bring in the fact that this is a new age of politics and this is a new CSD.

We head into this election with 4 strong and deserving candidates who all have plans of their own for the Canadian Social Democrats. But I say "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

Re-Elect Trenton Rendell as CSD Party President.

Best of Luck
Best Regards
Happy Holidays
In God We Trust
and Love
-Trenton (Trentonius) Rendell
--Party President of the CSD--