Questions and Answers on the Irish Peace Deal

Day 1,672, 09:43 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by HebronGazelle

The eUnited Kingdom made a peace deal with Ireland a while ago, where we would also swap a few regions. This did mean that we would lose two real-life countries, Scotland and Northern Ireland, but we did gain there capital Dublin, as well as Louth. In this article I shall answer a few questions which keep popping up in eRepublik about the region swap and peace deal.

Why did we swap Northern Ireland and Scotland for Dublin and Louth?
The reason behind the swap was for all of our citizens to gain a resource bonus. Louth gives us Fruit, which we cannot get from any original region. Dublin connects Louth to our capital so that we get the resource bonus from Louth.
This resource bonus means that we will all produce an extra 20% food and food raw material.

But why couldn't we give them two other regions, which aren't countries in real-life?
We could have, but Ireland will also need the regions we gave them to connect to their capital, or else they would not make the deal. We also gave them a region which we already had the bonus for, as we don't want to lose any resource bonus.

Can I fight in the resistance war anyway? I wont make much of a difference to the wall.
If one person is allowed to fight, then everyone will start fighting for us. We will take back Scotland or Northern Ireland, angering them. This will cause another ever-lasting war with them.
Also, since the new update, even lower ranked players can win us battles, which is why we should educate them quicker, to stop them fighting there and us winning.
If you see us winning in Scotland or Northern Ireland then you can fight for Ireland. Otherwise, fight for a ONE country elsewhere.

How long is the deal going to last?
As far as we know, this deal could be permanent. If we are gaining extra resources, we will not just end the deal. If Ireland wants to end the deal, or our Prime Minister wants to, then it may happen. But that looks unlikely...

Why are people fighting for us in the resistance wars in Scotland or Northern Ireland?
Some people may plan to free Scotland or Northern Ireland, giving us the regions back, annoying Ireland who will then have to take it back. But these people either do not know about the deal, or don't want the deal to continue.
The same works the other way, people will fight for Ireland in the Dublin or Louth resistance wars, this will mean we may have the set them as Natural Enemy again.

When did the peace deal start?
The deal is less then 100 days old, and was officially first announced on day 1,586. Talon Karrde was prime minister at the time.

What should I do if I don't agree with the deal?
Write articles, message ministers and congressmen, argue with people. Try to start and win resistance wars with other people who don't like the deal. Become prime minister of the eUK and force the country to attack Ireland creating an ever-lasting war in which we will all die of boredom... Basically don't.

Where can I fight? And where can I not?
You can fight in Dublin and Louth.
You must not fight in Scotland and Northern Ireland.

I hope this article has answered some of your questions about the peace deal, and if you didn't know about it, I hope you realise not the fight Ireland except in Dublin and Louth. For the good of the eUK, we have kept peace with Ireland and gained valuable resources.
This article was written by CheetahCurtis on the 18th of June 2012. Please subscribe for more great tips and info.