Q1 House Raffle Winners!

Day 707, 15:52 Published in USA Ireland by ChewChewShoe
As you probably know I had a House Raffle, and I'm now proudly presenting you, the winners of this very contest!

First of all, I just want to say: Thank you! Every single one of you, who entered this competition, no matter how much money you spent!

It was pretty fun holding this competition even though I lost around 80 USD on it.
And I am sorry for those of you who did not win. And the winning numbers are 100% randomized, this has nothing to do with any person who entered the competition or how much money they spent on it.

Now, over to the winning numbers!

First prize goes to number 13, Guolin! Congratulations! You just won a new Q1 house!
Second prize goes to number 51, Jamer214! Congratulations! You just won five Q1 food and one Q5 weapon!
Third prize goes to number 48, Jrooney2! Congratulations! You just won one Q1 food

Congratulations! Hope you'll enjoy your prizes!


The song of this article:
Sabaton - The Price of a Mile


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ChewChewShoe, General Director of The Crossover