Presidential Elections - Erius

Day 711, 03:46 Published in Singapore Finland by Erius

Greetings, eSingapore

Soon this term is over and we will have presidential elections. Two congress` have seen our current president, Arbryn, in action in this term and the new one has started it`s work only couple of days ago. As a start I wan`t to thank everyone who gave their vote for Tewionist Party of eSingapore. Tuukka_Almighty gained ten votes and was one of the top 3. person`s who get the most of the votes. I thank his voters for him – our party is happy that citizens gave us permission to help to build our country a better place.

In past term I`ve been Minister of Information here in Singapore and also acted as a Advisory Representative in Sol. I`m quite pleased of my job here and also happy that we have had very active cabinet in this term – every minister has done great job. This is why I thank you all – unfortunatelly because of different timezone I haven`t had any changes to keep in touch with other ministers.

I`m writing this article from my bed (it seems I got H1N1 virus) and I have 38,3 degrees fever so there might be some spelling error`s in this text – I hope you can read it without any problems and if there is some errors in the text I will try to correct them.

And yeah – after many long negotiations with my comrades and other people I`ve my decicion:

Tewionist Party of Singapore has decided to place me as their candidate for presidency. I have enjoyed the trust of my comrades for a long time and I`m grateful they gave me this change – still this was not enough for me to run. After our beloved president Arbryn told me to consider about running I made my decicion. Thanks to those players and friends who supported me and who will support me in next elections.

(Short) eHistory

I started my eLife in eUK where I spend my early days before coming of V1. After V1 I moved to eNorwey, which had conquered my IRL homeland, Finland. Me and my fellow finns fought indepence to Finland, but because of so many bugs in game (because of V1) I decided to quit.

After couple of month`s from my eDeath I noticed in forums that my old friend, Okkius Pyromanius, was joined the race for eFinland`s presidency. I decided to help my friend and I came back from the dark halls of eHell, where (as someone say) I belong.

Here`s some achievements from the time after my resurrection:

-Party president of Red Jihad (Finland`s anarchist party) x2
-Congressmember of eFinland x3
-Congressmember of eSingapore
-Minister of Information (eSingapore)
-Sol Advisory Representative x2
-Representative of Ambassador`s (eFinland`s government)
-Former President of eFinland

After my term as a president I decided to relax and be away from Finland`s politics. After this decicion I get the sign from our White Father, Tewio. Our Father told me to gather every tewionist I could find together and form a organizations of true believers – the White Lion order.

I told my vision to my friend, Tuukka_Almighty and together we formed WLO (Whie Lion Order), as it is known. After this Tewio gave me another vision – we should move away from Finland where we had been. The Great White One showed us eSingapore and after this we moved here and we have been part of this country. Now we have decided to share our knowledge and help to singaporeans.

Yeah... My goverment will be full of nerd`s


Now I will give my attention to my cabinet. I`ve been trying to gather my cabinet as fast as it is possible so that it can start it`s action when/if I`m elected. I appreciate IRC activity from my ministers and I`m going to ”force” my ministers to our govermen`s IRC channel. This because it is much easier for me to communicate with my ministers throught IRC than throught MSN etc. This will also increase our ministers knowledge about other ministers doing – when they are in one channel they can share their opinions and thoughts with each other and ask help from other ministers if needed to.

I ask activity, hard work and organizational ability from my ministers – I wont be present 24/7 because of my studies IRL but I will leave orders to my Vice-CP who will deliver them to my ministers if I`m not able to do that. The more effective the cabinet is the better everything works.

I will found some new offices in my goverment and now I`m going to introduce some of them:

Minister of Internal Affairs

This minister office is mix of Minister of Education, Minister of Health and Minister of Immigration. I see that there is no need to keep three different minister offices if you can put them into one – ofc this will cause some extra job for one person. I will name two Minister of Internal Affairs because the job itself is quite new and there is lot to do to get things run smoothly.

Counselor of Justice

This is also new office in Sing´s cabinet. CoJ duty is to follow discussion in congress and deliver messages from cabinet to congress. He/she is a agent of president in congress (not part of the congress) and he/she will watch that every congressmember will do their duty – if not then he/she has authority to publish ”black list” about those congressmembers who are inactive, späm in forums etc.

Sol Ambassador

So that Singapore would have good relations with other Sol countries I`ve decided to name a Sol Ambassador if I`m elected. Ambassador is like a MoFA (Minister of Foreign Affairs) but only to Sol countries. His authority is to represent Singapore in Sol and keep good relations with other Sol countries – while MoFA will handle other non-Sol countries etc. With president and MoFA he/she will be one who will lead our Foreign policy.

Defence Advisor

Defence Advisor is player who will help MoD and president to work with our military. He/she is mostly an advisor of president and MoD buthe has a equal right to tell his/her opinion in any question about our military.

I will also name Minister of Fun if I get elected just as Arb did.


This is the one theme that most of you might have waited for.

Because MPP`s will soon cost 100g per country it will be too expensive to continue our war games with Maleysia and Philipines – they wont last forever. This is why I support the idea about training possibility for our army. Together with Defence Advisor, MoD and Minister of Finance I will make some plans how we could find budget for that.

I`m going to try to develope Torchwood. Instead of keeping it as it is I have a vision about two different platoons – the other one includes the most strongest and thoughest warriors of Singapore and the other platoon would include those who will still need training. The first platoon wouldn`t be deployed unless our allies ask help from us or we decide to give help in some battle or war – it would be our true elite unite which would be send there were they are needed most. That platoon would stay in Sing and deployed only if needed to while the other one would be deployed somewhere where they could be trained. They would gain exp and rank and we could start to teach them to coordinate their fight`s.

Together with MoD, DA and MoFi I would try to find a solid funding for our military so that we could atleast share couple Q1 guns for those soldiers in training platoon – and some reserve gold for first platoon if they need to act fast. If there is no way to find funding for our military then I will courage you, my fellow citizens, to donate some gold for eSingapores military so that we could have enough money to train our warriors and to help our friends if they are in danger – White Lion Order would also share it`s gold for this if needed to.


Economy has been my weak point always. This is why I`ve asked one experienced player to hold the office of Minister of Finance. Together with him I`m going to plan to gather some extra gold in to our country treasury. I`ve planned to create some companies that would only make profit for our country – I can`t be sure about this yet so I can`t promise anything.

Because I would try to find a solid funding for our military we have to find money for it and also keep our economy stable. Vincent Garibaldi has done great job as a Minister of Finance and it seems that there is no problems to left for my might-be MoFi to fix - unfortunatelly Vincent moved to Thailand where he help our friends to rebuild their nation. Best luck to him.

My ultimate goal is to destroy Finland!

Foreign relations

I`m Pro-Sol politician and I support Singapores Sol membership with all my strenght. Unfortunatelly there has been many problems in Sol – Japan is no longer a member of our alliance and there is many problems in Australia (they are now EDEN members etc.). We have to stick together in these days and this is why we have to keep our relations as good as it is possible with other Sol nations.

I`m going to also develop the offices of ambassadors. I`ve planned to organize a weekly report system – this would mean that every ambassador will write a brief report about event`s and different kind of happenings in their subject country. MoFA would publish those report`s to Singapores media so that our citizen`s can read what is happening in other countries.

I`m not against the neutrality policy but I`m also a realistic – Singapore isn`t he most notable country in eWorld – neather valuable – and this is why we don´t have to fear countries such Indonesia attack us. We have already choosed our side – we stand side by side with other Sol countries – and this is why we do not need to think always will someone revenge and destroy us if we help our friends. Of course we can`t be fools – we can`t attack Indonesia or other countries around us. What I mean is that if our friend`s ask help from us, Singapore would answer.


Like I`ve told before I will try to focus on my cabinet`s activity. IRC is a good and easy way to communicate with each other and this is why I would try to get more citizens to our national IRC channel. Forums are as important as IRC is and I would try to continue Arbryn`s job to get people to go our forums. I will also try to create own IRC channels for our military – to Torchwood and to Homeguard and encourage them to use IRC.

So why vote for me?

I`m active (because I live in different timezone than most of our active citizen`s you might don`t see me online when you are in Erep) and experienced player. I`ve got experience from different kind of goverment`s and I`ve been also a president of Finland. This experience will help me if I got elected. I`ve got also many ideas and visions and I`m sure that with my cabinet I would do great job for Sing. After Arbryn`s terms our next president (who it will be, I can`t say) will have a good start fr his term – it would be an honour to be the one who will continue Arbryn`s job.

Huh... What a wall of text. I hope you enjoyed the reading (if it is even possible 😃). At the 5. we will see who will deserve to hold the title of president in next month. Vote for Erius!

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