President and congress

Day 2,250, 01:28 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by TAHA AHMED

Many of the people might wonder is the congress or the president more powerful. Well I think the President is? Why?
Although the congress has more power in approving laws, the President can propose unlimited laws and more types of laws than the congress.
The President can be impeached but his position never stays empty.
The congress is abolished when their are no regions of the country. In this case the President can have ABSOLUTE POWER for the rest of the term. You might say I am wrong but see for yourself. If their is no congress no one can deny his proposed law, he can not be impeached. He is the only one who can declare war or an air strike, so if doesn't do it he had have no regions which means no congress to impeach him. Although ofcourse the President will not use this power as he usually thinks for his country and even if he thinks about himself he will be not respected or be chosen as next candidate for elections.