Praise Democracy! Thanks for Supporting GPN!

Day 1,963, 13:20 Published in Netherlands Canada by Aries Prime

I, along with all members of GPN, would like to thank the people of Netherlands for supporting us in the CP election.

Although the road as been tough, we have managed to once again prevail! GPN has held the CP elections for the past 9/12 months, and with this month we will be up to 10/12. It is certainly no fluke that our party has been in charge for so long. We are the only party that has continued to lay down our support in making Netherlands better, without any lapses in activity or dedication.

This election has been especially brutal with both sides insulting each other at every turn. We hope that our differences can be put aside for the upcoming month, so that Netherlands will not be torn apart by political strife. There will still be times when we disagree, but let's attempt to keep things civil, at least until the next election. We understand that tensions get very heated around election time, so lets not drag that into the entire month.

With Thanatos clearly ahead, having a 20+ lead, GPN wants to welcome our new CP into office. We are proud that he has managed to make it, but the road will not be an easy one with Poland taking over. We will continue to fight for our country and pursue a wide range of tactical and strategical maneuvers to get back on the map. Victory through resistance has always been our message, and we fight in that spirit!

And remember, it is only through the democratic process that we have been able to serve Netherlands.


Aries Prime