Post Treaty eSouth Africa?

Day 1,782, 11:43 Published in South Africa South Africa by OKayOK

There is a question that every single person in this country needs to ask: “What will happen if we ask for an end to the treaty and loan agreement between eSA and eBrazil?”. We can speculate, and I believe that the speculation is an educated one. I believe that eBrazil will not accept an end to the agreement and if challenged they will more than likely take the regions they need by force or even wipe.

So where does that leave us as a nation. Are we friends with the giant that borders us or are we servants?

There are more dynamics that come into play. We as a nation have been a belligerent State and a thorn in the site of the Super Power. We are technically administrated by Brazil. To be clear, in real life both Japan and Germany have limitations placed on them because of their past misdeeds. They lost colonies that were mandated out to allied superpowers and they are filled with military bases of allied powers. They are paying for their past transgressions. Is this right? I have to say that to look at the justice of what is happening in real life you need to look at what both Germany and Japan were trying to achieve. Did they have a purpose that had merit? In the case of Japan, I have to say yes, but in the case of Germany, I say no.
Does eSA deserve to be punished for past deeds? We as a country fought for what was rightfully ours. We suffered a long hard journey under the thumb of an oppressive enemy who assisted and performed PTO’s, Facebook Account Hacking and the posting of pornographic images on our forum. They are DISGUSTING and do not have honor. Our cause was just and our oppression now is un-just.

We can win – we can beat Brazil today if we have the friends to do it. We have done it before, but just like before we have to think; what about tomorrow. We can move the enemy back, but how do we keep them back, how do we stop them PTO’ing, Attacking, Hacking their way to victory? We need a plan, we need a sustainable solution!

My plea to the new administration is this: Please have plan. The current oppression might be comfortable, but it is NOT sustainable. Eventually the population will stand for it no more. What then? Do we rush into a war without preparation and a future plan? When the day comes, we need to know how we will live post-treaty and more than likely with Brazil as an enemy again. The administration needs to start formulating this plan, and so does the next administration and the one after that.