Poland - Stay strong!

Day 887, 07:39 Published in Poland Germany by Iseutz

Dear polish citizens,

with mixed feelings i observed the events of the last days. Some may remember, i'm a german player and i have alway fought for the e-german interests and of couse the greater strategies of PHX aka PEACE. But in the days, you had conquered whole e-Germany i found myself on polish ground, sabotaging your companies and reading your press every day. Since then, while speaking with some of your fellow countrymen, i got a feeling for your motivations in this game and even a bit of understanding for the many hostile actions you took.

Now, after you built an empire nearly out of nothing and dominating half of eRepublik about nearly 4 months, things fell apart in a frightening speed. Again i read your newspapers closely, seeking to understand what you must feel right now and how your reactions look like. After doing so, i have the need to show you some support, even if we are on different sides in the game.

Don't fight against each other or leave the game in frustration. You have no reason to give up!

How can i say such a thing, when i'm as a german obliged to be happy about the disastrous chain of events, you had to witness? Shouldn't i laugh about your fall and all the mess, you're stuck in right now? Maybe, but i can not... Because i think you all did a great job in the last months, you were rising to the top of all countries and were feared by many. This is something you can be proud of and what never will vanish. You made e-history and now still have more than 20.000 active and fighting players.

But maybe your Ikarus-like flight brought you too near to the sun, so your wings melted and now you're crushing back into the land of the mortal e-beings. I know, to many of you this may sound as mockery, but this isn't my intention.

You have achieved greatness, but you also got an important and valuable lesson on what happens when someone becomes too smug and overconfident. Now 20.000 players knows best by first-hand experience, what it means, to suffer from own shortsightened behaviour. Every single player had learned painfully, that even vast numbers of citizens don't make a nation invulnerable. So i put my shirt on a horse, you will never ever do this fault again.

This special lession was made by eGermany before (of course, with some different circumstances) and you know how we had suffered on our wrong decisions and our arrogant behaviour after attacking e-Poland long long time ago. But what you may not have noticed is, how these events have changed my e-nation over the time. Even if we have our daily conflicts and problems, the majority of our players, both old and new ones, has become more dedicated and more humble than we were before. We learned, that things always changes. Empires come and go. And sometimes you have to pay very high debts...

Right now, your media is flodded with discussions about who is responsible, who is to blame, in which moments your leades have failed miserably and so on. But whatever decisions you will take, learn from your faults and avoid repeating them.

Don't fuel the fire of hatred against other nations again to get a new babyboom. Don't build your comeback on a ground from nationalism and egocentrism. Exactly this attidude was the very core of your fall. Not PHX and not your allies are the reason you now lost, what you had worked so hard for. You have weakened your own position from the beginning and in the consquence even friends were turned into bitter foes. Nationalism isn't a healthy thing. It summons many people who should never be in charge. It gives power to those, who aren't able to deal with it wisely. It lends opportunity to people, who only think and work for their own benefit and ego.

Your citizens are humans with faults like all of us. But this means, that you have the same strenghts and abilities as we all potentially have! So come back on your feet, examine your faults without seeking for excuses and then work even harder for an strong e-Poland!

Show the e-world more elaborated strategies, honest empathy for your allies and respect towards your opponents. Honor yourself in a way pure number of citizens and damage never will!
