Polak-Weiger dwa brtanki, I do szabli, I do szklanki

Day 492, 03:44 Published in Poland Hungary by HUN-Cimbye

Poles we are in different alliances, but I am sure that our IRL friendship will live in erep too!

We have proven our friendship to you when we fought on your side when you fought for your freedom

IRL we have proven our friendship to each other many times (just think about 1956..)

I am curious about what do you think about this friendship, so who is friendly to us, and think thatt we can friends in erep just sign Polak-Weiger dwa brtanki 🙂

And in march 23. was the offical day of the Polish-Hungarian friendship

Thank you poles!

Long live the Polish-Hungarian friendship!

About the RW

Romanians are just USING YOU with Volynhia to Ukraine could not block Romania and they can continue their imperialist conquest in Asia! They didn't give you this region because they feel friendly for you. Just think about it!

we do not fight against Poland! We fight against Romania that way!

Because if Ukraine have Volynhia, Ukraine can still block Romania to not conquer asia!

We do not fight against Poland, we fight against Romania!

It is not our fault that Romania is using you to they cannot be blocked! This is just usefull for them that this region is high grain, if this region wouldn't be high grain they would give you too! High grain is not the point, the point for them is that they cannot be blocked!

Indonesians helped a lot for us, they moved here tanks FOR FREE! They didn't ask for gold to fight, they didn't ask for moving tickets, for weapons as Romanians did! This is the real friendship, not that friendship that romanians show you! They ask money, moving tickets, weapons to help you? AS THE RICHEST COUNTRY IN THE eWORLD????

Just think about it!

Polak-Weiger dwa brtanki
