Peace Negotiations under way

Day 4,472, 13:07 Published in USA Switzerland by tef1

Dear TNS Squad,

Let it be known, our newly reinstated Emperor Tef1 - after two years of political asylum due to the attempted coup of which he flee to stop the bloodshed has now returned with all his rights and powers reinstated. If it were not for the Legendary CG's CPiship, this would not have happened so a grateful eNation thanks our previous and forever CP the Honorable CG for his scarifies to get us to this historic day.

At this time, a special thank you is also a must to the eNation of eSwiss for a better of two years taking care of our beloved Emperor with utmost love and respect including electing him in a landslide as their 101st CP - as it is obvious, he did not disappoint. He was undoubtedly the best CP eSwiss ever had or ever will. No question about it even if (unlikely) some detractors may say otherwise.

Speaking of thank yous - a special thank you goes to the eNation of eIndonesia for holding Emperor Tef1 for a week while final negotiations were been discussed to get him to his power in eUSA. I know there were some language translation issues but his majesty made everything easy as always.

Upon his return - the Emperor went back to work as soon as his legs touched the eAmerican soil after two years of overseas trip he was forced to take. It is a sadly known fact in the past two weeks or so, the motherland was in imminent civil war danger. The resistance movement led by the legendary Emperor Tef1 of eUSA supported by his right hand man His Right Honorable ChickensGuys were in an effort to make significant change.

Let it be known, it is only because of his majesty Tef1's instance to recruit as many non eUSA citizens days before the election, the Legendary CG was able to crush the failing establishment.

Let it also be known, thanks to CG's remarkably unselfish service to eNation, we are becoming clown-loving again among other even more important improvements. We are dare I say grater than ever before thanks to his service. Had he not won, the decay would have continued. We were more respected around the new world. Leaders were bowing for us under his leadership. Sadly we are the world laughing stock now and no one trusts us.

Additionally, let it be factually be known, the legendary CG - forecasting the bloodshed that would endure had there been a civil war discussed with His Royal Higness Majesty Emperor Tef1 - King of eUSA's Jokester Kingdom regards to the subject matter.

His Royal Highness Majesty Emperor Tef1 has given royal assent to cease the Civil War for undetermined amount of time so long as there is genuine efforts to execute all of his Majesty government's wishes with no exceptions.

It is unlikely this would go so well on some unfriendly territories but this is the only route for peace. His Majesty has transmitted the decree. Now, it is time to put it to action or activate the Civil War.

It is the choice of the citizens now on how to move forward. Hopefully, peace will prevail. We shall see.

Clowns here, Clowns there, Clowns everywhere

Emperor of eUSA
101st CP of eSwiss
Honorable eCitizen of eIndonesia
Best clown to ever grace you.