Pakistan Industries Limited (Job Offer)

Day 2,251, 21:04 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by TAHA AHMED

I have made a collection of my companies called Pakistan Industries Limited. It is made so that to increase the money in the treasury as it encourages it's employes to work daily which than increases the taxes. This is posible with the increment system.

Increment System
In PTL increment system employes start off with PKR 20. If a employ works all 7 days of a week his salary will be increased to 10%. If he works all 7 days again in the second week also his salary will further increase by 10% of his original salary.

Original salary= PKR 20
After work for first week= PKR 22
After work for second week= PKR 24

This will go on for a 5 weeks after that the process will restart again from the original salary. Each 5 weeks are called make 1 term.

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