Our President surrender's! Now admins you must feel happy! NWO,too! Right?

Day 1,223, 10:57 Published in Greece Greece by ioustinianos12

A few hoyrs ago our president, e-Greece's president announcned his surrender from country's president and his will to have his account deleted. As his message was in Greek I will translate it in English so that anyone can understand every word of it.

Here is the ticket he submitted

And here what his said to his people:
"I'm sorry but I can't stand anymore to be spoofed, I won't tell anyone to do the same it's his decision.

I asked the congress to make a president impeachment proposal, so as the country continues to work, I undertake every responsibility, though in such a ridiculous game is really funny to talk about responsibilities. All the pases have been given to a government member and there will be successor situation.

Bye bye until next time, I'm glad that I worked with many remarkable people in the community, with some of them I will continue to talk as they're buddies

PS:As the article will fall, whoever is not afraid of getting a forfeit point, he can send me a personal message so that it can be upload all day long so that there will be freedom to what is said at least for a day.


to all turks that made a comment

i never mention the word turkey or turks in my ticket

maybe you recognize yourselves in the word cheaters , so be it"

What I can say is that Turks and the whole NWO alliance should be proud of what they did. So should admins. As for me, well, I feel proud of what the president of my country did.

That's all from Greece

PS: Please vote to be international. I don't ask for subscription as the only thing I did was to translate what our president said.

A proud citizen !