Our New BRO's

Day 2,043, 12:35 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by HebronGazelle
GBDP was declared dead not long ago, but the brothers and sisters of the old party have returned to form BRO - British Reform and Opportunity. Why should you join BRO? And what has been going on so far?

BRO - British Reform and Opportunity
GBDP died, so Will Corbett had decided that the party needed new life. His article after winning the election stated that he would like to rebrand the party, which included changing the name. The party voted on the name and the winner was "Opportunity and Reform in Britain", but as that was too long we changed into "British Reform and Opportunity". Other things to do with the party were discussed at the meeting at 7pm, which will be announced by Will Corbett at a later date.

Party Meetings
We had a party meeting Friday night which 4 people(more then half our party) turned up to... sadly our PP did not come to so CheetahCurtis was left to run the meeting, with jny123 helping out. Adastros and Murdersaurus also came to the meeting which we talked about recruitment and a few other topics.

The Monday meeting saw our party president attend, in fact we had 5 of our 7 members there. Everybody there contributed as we discussed several things such as a possible MU, recruitment tactics and BRO in the future.

Party Overlord
The position of party overlord is still diputed. CheetahCurtis declared himself party overlord at the initial meeting, but jny123 is now fighting for the throne. jny123 has the backing of the party president, but CheetahCurtis is sticking by the "you snooze, you lose" rule as CheetahCurtis claimed the title first.

Party Positions
Party positions have now been settle😛

Party President - Will Corbett
Vice Party President - jny123
Spokesperson - CheetahCurtis
Councillor - Adastros

If you join the party you can still ask Will Corbett for a party position.

This article was written by CheetahCurtis on the 24th of June 2013. Please subscribe for more great tips and info.