Notes from the Wilderness

Day 2,057, 02:45 Published in USA Australia by wingfield

It is difficult to imagine the situation we are supposed to be in right now – under foreign occupation, our leadership thoroughly discredited and recovery prospects remote – when sitting comfortably at home, with a laptop, playing a browser game, living in (relatively) civilized countries that generally respect the rule of law.

I am seeing several articles where people are roleplaying life under occupation, recounting their individual struggles. This is all harmless fun. A little suspension of disbelief never hurt anyone.

Meanwhile, nothing meaningful will happen until we get some proper leadership and co-ordination again. To do that, we must unite those sections of our community who are willing to talk sense and get down to business. We need to ignore those who retain their obsession with the AFA and those who seek to continue the approach that brought us undone, namely the “Unity” disaster.

There must be at least one Top Five party with a revamped approach. Any party seeking to move forward and make a difference must have one objective. That objective is to win government. The party must reach the top five and hold its place. It has to be absolutely independent of the existing order. It must get people into Congress, when elections can be held.

The people placed in Congress by the revamped party must work for the voters who put them there and the party that selected them. It is a wasted effort sending people to Congress just to have them subjected to a meta-game forum that ties them up with procedural red tape. The proper approach is to use the party’s Congress representatives as a bloc to wield influence and set conditions for supporting the ideas and aspirations of other entities represented there.

Never again should parties act as a base for e-warlords and their submissive followers. These players have manipulated forums and opinions to deter in-game challengers. The rules imposed on party forums deny opportunities to emerging talent. When people have the influence to rise in their party in-game, by building popular support, long may they prosper!

Never again should party leaders join cross-party cabals to foster their joint domination of the political scene. We have seen where the handpicked time servers have gotten us. They have proven a monumental failure and should be consigned to historical oblivion.

As for “unfriendly” parties such as the AFA and unreconstructed Unity holdouts, it is time to keep them at arm’s length, without making their destruction the raison-d’être and only focus of party existence.

Parties are about their members being on the same page and their leaders and representatives not dancing to anyone else’s tune. Neither should those leaders and representatives sit about meekly saying nothing for fear of upsetting anyone.

Get out there and be political, folks! Make those party bosses realise that challengers will be coming for them every month and that they cannot fend off all opposition.

There is nothing to lose anymore!