No More War

Day 819, 14:55 Published in USA Romania by 8-3=1

When I joined eRepublik, my first instinct was not to fight. I started collecting all the money and keeping it in my pocket. Of course I savaged all my savings on couple of Q5+WP once I started fighting, but it felt good. I was young...

When I wrote my first newspaper article, I remember it was about not fighting. I said "no more war" and all the military elites and the older players throwed stones at me. When many people say you are drunk, you might as well go to sleep. Ashamed, I deleted my article.

During the months since I started playing, many things happened in eRepublik. And many other things are due to happen. Everyone talks now about the new modules etc.

Do all these changes encourage war or....? Let's have a look.

One major change was the arrival of Lana & friends. What would you rather do? Buy a WP or spend the money on training? Unless you are a rich person + a super tank (I already eliminated the hypothesis that you are 8-3=1 in his childhood), I guess you will do with the training.

Another one. What would you rather do? Buy Q5 weapons to fight or train + buy Q1? Answer will probably be the same: socialize with Lana. Big fighting can wait.

I reckon the new modules will bring more changes in same direction. We will be encouraged to save (and of course spend the GOLD after that) on improving our skills (same as training) rather than buy weapons and fight. We will spend more money on ourselves instead of exposing our fighting abilities in the battlefield. We will look at the future more than at the present. We might even borrow money for that.

I want to republish my first article, but unfortunately it's gone and I can't find it anymore.

This is of course a pamflet based on real facts.

PS: need to go now. My master is looking for me. Have you not met him? Sure you did.
Hey Napoleon, I'm over here!!!