New Missions - Day 1577

Day 1,577, 09:47 Published in Serbia Brazil by GEN. ALADEEN

New missions have arrived at our doorsteps (and even though I know this is elbandido's job, I'll take the risk)

It won't be looking least not for now, but hopefully it will be informative

Mission 1:
Loyalty is rewarded!

Work in 7 different days
Train in 7 different days
Defeat 25 opponents per day in 7 different days.

Rewards: 3 gold and 15 strength points

Mission 2:
Help a new citizen!

Donate 100 currency to a citizen below level 20.

Rewards: 10 xp

Mission 3:
Get two times stronger!

Increase your strength with 150 points.

Rewards: 150 strength

Mission 4:
Let's do some damage!

Requirements: Inflict a certain amount of damage depending on your strength and rank points

Rewards: 10% of the required inflicted damage rank increase + 25 strength

Mission 5:

Defeat 300 opponents by fighting in resistance wars.
Use weapons to defeat them faster!
Fight in 5 different resistance wars.

Rewards: 30 strength + 3 Bazookas.

Enjoy your day lads and lasses