My shadow cabinet for eIndia

Day 1,046, 05:04 Published in India Germany by Iseutz

Hi everybody,

this time i'll only write a short article. It's about the government personnel, which i plan to work with, in case i am elected. I will add more informations and present the guys more detailed later. My general criteria is activity, experience and - of course, that i'm convinced they will work for the benefit of eIndia without reservation.

President - Iseutz
vice President - hsharma83
MoFa - Wall_ster, ShadowMJ
MoF+MoE - Mr.Stinson, joker shadow, RanaTstar, sharry
MoD - omegagamer, Iseutz, The German Eagle
MoX - Maniu, Jelen od Potoka

I intent to gather the government as often as possible with common meetings, because its the base of good governance. Only if everyone knows about the plans and the status of the others, they can adapt and/or support each other. At the moment, we don't have this situation. For example, the propose MPP was done without any consultation or even warning. Decisions were made, which have major impact on the whole destiny of eIndia and its citizens, but without proper planning it will lead into disaster.

Hsharma83 is the current MoFa so he will be able to handle the future international affairs by experience. We have to deal with whatever the current president and his unknown advisors are leaving behind.
Wall_ster and ShadowMJ will support to get proper contact to foreign countries again.
Mr. Stinson, Joker Shadow, RanaTstar (aka Gaurav) and sharry, will sort out the finances of eIndia, which are bluntly spoken a catastrophe. There are too many private interrelations and we don't even know about the exact treasury of eIndia right now. This will be in focus at least in the first week and i hope we get full cooperation of the currenct finance team.
Omegagamer, me and someone else will try to get finally an active IAF. To gain this achievement, we will work together with MoE, because i want several state companies as base for a self-supplying army. The new military module will help us very much, because the requirements to be a soldier are much lower than with the flash based and very time-consuming battlefield.
And finally Maniu and Jelen od Potoka will work on a babyboom. I want to repeat, that a babyboom without a good working government will bring nothing than new players leaving the game very fast. So we have to set priority, nonetheless it would be wasted time, to not working on a babyboom.

Additional note
I'm extremely unhappy about the events of the last few days. Some guys seem to deliberately create a war that may be too big, that eIndia could survive. Also we have thrown away much of the positive relations we had, because of the many sudden and unexplained changes. Maybe it's only because of good intentions. But when there is no babyboom, eIndia will be isolated, divided and shattered all over again. The way to hell is paved with good intentions...

Remember that, when you vote in the CP elections. We're at crossroads now. It's all your decision.
Kind regards