My government report for term Okt-Nov

Day 1,075, 04:46 Published in India Germany by Iseutz

Dear citizens,

with some delay i'd like to give you an report about the work of the current government. I have to warn you, that this article will be a massive wall of text. But i hope you are interested enough in the future of eIndia to read it mindfully.

What has happened - an overview
My term started on day 1050. We were facing the imminent threat of declaration of war by the overwhelming forces which gathered in ePakistan - know to all as Dioists. Their major goal is to re-create their former great emipre which has its origins in ePakistan. A conflict was inevitable and our chances to survive as country was nearly non-existent due to the foreign policy made in the months before.

From day 1050 to day 1053 we tried to find countries who are willing to defend eIndia by approving MPPs with us. We asked several countries, but noone was willing or able to help. Either they claimed to have not enough money, or they simply said that eIndia doesn't deserved to be saved because of the lack of reliablity. During these negotiations we even created a small eclat with the canadians, who were willing to let their congress to decide, but caused by mis-communication and dioist intimidation the MPPs was declined. These problems are now solved, we are back at a normal relationship.

From 1053 to day 1056 we tried to get cooperation with ePoland and eUSA. Our goal was to create a barrier of blocking regions based on Polands and USA military power. But the option ePoland was destroyed by the admins, when they suddenly removed the option to retreat. As ePoland is located in the far north of eIndia, there hasn't been enough time to get them through eIndia. Our last chance to create a block was a cooperation with eUSA. It was a tough decision, because the recent american attitude towards eIndia was and unfortunately is quite bad. But fortunately for eIndia, Colin Lantrip and Alexander Hamilton accepted our request, because they could try to enter south east asia more easily. And i say 'more easily', because they would have done it anyways.

On day 1056 i declared war on USA, many people wondered about this move, because it looked like waste of gold and a delusional idea to add another enemy to eIndia. The idea as to give eUSA a highway to eIndia and block the entrance to North East India. Unfortunately, this plan was flawed, because of an existing hidden border between Bihar and North East India (these regions have no common border on the map or in rl). But the defense was successful in the end and the admins removed the border on day 1059 (surprisingly fast...).

From day 1056 to day 1060 we started several attacks and RWs, to delay the fast epakistani advance and create the highway to Tamil Nadu (TN has a border with Southern Thailand, consult the map to get the picture). These battles could only be fought and some won, because of heavy support by foreign players who came to eIndia to help. For some time we hoped to maybe create a block around Karnataka, but US interests were focused elsewhere.
This is a bit frustrating, but if you put your feelings aside and only think strategically you will understand it easily. eUSA is a major partner for EDEN and as the admins changed the MPPs rules, the current world war break loose. They simply had to focus their military potential on invasions of high raw regions, fighting against RWs (for example in eRussia) and defending enemy attacks on their close partners. eIndia, as a very small country in its troublesome situation wasn't of their major concern. I know, many players don't like this situation, i don't like it too - but anger and frustration won't bring us a solution and will lead to the wrong strategic decisions.

The events came to halt and on day 1063 the US president Colin Lantrip published an announcement, which said amongst other things, that he made a deal with the Dioists. This doctrine covered a status quo between eUSA, ePakistan and eIndia, means we were left only with NEI, there won't be any battles between ePakistand and eUSA. This deal was a direct result of US interests to have a closed front when they press forward into south east asia. And we, eIndia, had no choice but to accept it.

From day 1064 until today we're working on a sufficient supply with raws and jobs for eIndian citizens.

The current situation
In the last days we created several companies and lowered taxes again. As you can imagine, it is quite difficult to make progress, but especially in the last 4 days we had some small successes. For example we finally got access to several important state orgs, we bought companies in foreign countries to provide more raws than in the days before. We are working on providing more jobs, on a viable increase of new players. You will get more informations about it in the next time.

Also we have agreement by three countries about MPPs, but this depends on signing peace with eUSA. And signing peace with eUSA will depend on their successes in south east asia and on who is becoming next president of eUSA. We will not witness a fast liberation of eIndia, but we shouldn't be sad about it, but take it as our blazing motivation to create a stable and well-strucured country.

I think, it was the right decision to cooperate with eUSA and it will be the right decision to cooperate with EDEN/Brolliance in future. This month we had started to prove that eIndia isn't a lost cause and our efforts were noticed. Even if it looks delusional when we say now, that we want to join EDEN, we shouldn't stop to show our conviction. The future alliances may only contain very strong countries, but they will have priviliged partnerships and eIndia has to be an active and reliable part of this sphere of influence.

My goals - my achievments - my failures
I had two major goals in this term.

Number one, above everything else, was to keep eIndia on the map to prevent free citizenship. With our small active population we would have been easy prey to any PTOers with their massive multi-account 'strategy'. To claim we could successfully defend our country against ePakistan/the Dioists would have been completely insane - and who ever will tell you that this is possible in the near future is either naive or a liar. Whoever say such things is trying to exploit your pride and is NOT working for the betterment of our country!

Number two was to create a structured work of the government. That includes a complete overview about state possessions (orgs, companies, money) and a close cooperation between all government members. We started in this term with no substantial informations and with some important players who were very reluctant to fully cooperate with the new staff (i guess out of the fear, i will TO eIndia or steal money or things like this). I'm convinced, that my staff and i have proven, that we are able to do good work. Much of our achievements and our daily work is hidden in the forums government section, but i can assure you, that we have started a new culture of reporting. Many players still aren't used to it, but it's getting better and it will be the base for future improvements. I tried to act as a model by giving frequent internal updates about the general situation and about the financial status. (follow the link, its visible to public. ofc you have to be a registered user first)

Beside these achievments, i have made two failures. The first was not to see the shared border between Bihar and North Eastern India. That nearly destroyed our plans, but with the help of many friends in India and from other states (including eUSA), we were able to prevent the worst case again and again. The second was based on the small user base of eIndia - i had to accept some people in government, which has showed, that they dont have the necessary activity or reliablity to be in such important positions. But i guess, no serious harm was done and i changed some of the personnel.

My thanks to...
- all eIndians who don't leave the game, because they are disappointed by the recent events
- all new eIndians who join our efforts to enhance eIndia to a status of a functioning country (because thats what we need first, when we want to liberate eIndia...)
- my current government staff, especially: Hsharma, Jelen od Potoka, The German Eagle, Gaurav (RanaTstar), Omegagamer and our newest member Swathikrishnan. These guys are very active and they prove day in, day out that their heart beats for eIndia
- our old guard, especially David Forde
- Colin Lantrip, US president, because without his cooperation, eIndia has been erased (plus more americans, too many to add them all)
- several MoFas of EDEN countries, but amongst them especially Damien Wolf, canadian ambassador to eIndia
- all other friends of eIndia

and to the Dioists, for giving us a reason to become a better community. 😛

My requests to all eIndians
- be much more active in the game!
- join forum and IRC
- if you want to help, please contact the government, after the emergency situation is more or less solved now its time to expand the government work (especially our efforts to get more players and then train our new citizens)
- support the course of becoming a partner and maybe some day member of EDEN. When eIndia becomes stronger, we will get more option than today, but one step after another. Start proving our worth as allies to other countries

Truth alone triumphs!