Mark Morcom - IA PP Platform Part 2 - Goal

Day 1,332, 15:29 Published in South Africa South Africa by OKayOK

In the following two articles I focused on Party activity and financial support for new players.

This article is simple. What would I like the IA to achieve the following term? I could go into figures and I could show you goals, but I will not. That would be a waste of time and constitute BS, which as a party we are very much opposed to.
What I would like for the party is this: That we continue to grow, increasing our support base with newer players, strengthening out political will with experienced players and make a true difference to the Political landscape of eSA. I am hope that we can do this all together as Brothers and Sisters in the IA.
Vote for me come elections and I will do what I can to achieve that!


Mark Morcom