Mark Morcom for Congress (EPIC)

Day 1,675, 12:49 Published in Canada South Africa by OKayOK

I was a member of the MDP

But I always felt a bit out of place

They even looked at me differently than other people

They never wanted to give me a lift anywhere

And I did not like the whole gangster dictator thing

So I left and joined E.P.I.C

And I am now going to try be a congressman for ya all

I have been congressman successfully 16 times before in eSA. I believe that I can bring a new, fresh approach to the stagnating political scene in Canada. I am pro war, yet anti stupidity. Pride should be the guiding light for this country and not True Patriot medals.

I will not disappoint you, unless the Telephone company cuts my line, leaving me without Internet because I spent all my money on booze, woman and cigarettes, which is unlikely 😛

Now for the hot woman (Scroll Down for max climax)

Sh*t, wrong Pic (Scroll down for second, max climax)