Make eRepublik Interesting Again

Day 1,337, 10:57 Published in USA USA by portcolumbus

As a person who is quite active in this game, I would like to see the nation I call home take the top spot on the population charts. Right now, the eUS has exactly 7,646 active citizens. A thing I would like you to remember is that some of these people could be multi accounts or citizens that do nothing to contribute to the national defense or vote in elections. We need to be able to create a nation that gets people playing this game, serving the people, and making America the best nation in our land. The current world population is 202,117, and we have 75 new citizens as a nation today, so that sounds alright to me. I would like to see us get 10,000 by the end of 2011, but I would even settle for 8,000 by the end of August.

For those out there that use multis, I would like to say this. You aren't assholes or dumbasses like some people may call you, but you do cause some moral harm to both eRepublik as a game and the eUS as a nation. It violates both game policy, and causes possible corruption in voting and other aspects of this nice game that should be kept pure. I want all the players to know that if they run two or more game accounts, then they are in violation of both in-game laws and the laws of morality the people of this great eUS should always obey.

And going back to the population count, I would like to list some suggestions that may help us get more people playing this game. One, if you know someone in RL that likes to play strategy games and enjoys good socialization, then this is there hotspot and they should have already been here. Two, if you know someone who used to play this game but fell out of the habit, let them know they should come back and meet the new people they didn't get a chance to see yet.

When it comes to some changes I would like to see the admins make, I'll let you know how I feel. One, I love this game, I love working for the goals of the eUS, and meeting some people I like to have discussion with. I enjoy the thought of working to get somewhere, but that's where my issues come in. Over time, the admins have taken the very thing out of the game that made it appealing to me in the first place, the competition. I used to love getting on here and trying to make myself a better player, using time management to get ahead, and planning for the future as a business owner and media figure. But now, I can care for all the needed stuff in this game in two minutes, and then I wouldn't have to come on again if I didn't want to.

Obviously, I get on here for much longer because I'm active in a party, and active in the newspaper business also. The point is, let's see them bring back time management, allow people to once again create an organization, and here's another possible, but not likely thing to do, create an in-game stock market where players can buy stock in the organizations or companies that other players create. Make the market a key part, and allow people to take risks with their gold and local currency.

The stock market would have trading between certain times of the day, with some time off so the admins and system could update the stocks based on what companies did well, and which ones had their shareholders selling. Again, these are only ideas that may never become a key part of the game, but I would gladly like to see them become things that make this game a more interesting place for the players from all around the eWorld.

I'm sorry if this article was a bit longer than normal, but I had alot of stuff to say and I wanted to get it all out. The PP's are all busy so the interviews are on hold. So far, the only Party President to take the time is Soren Nelson of the Federalist Party, so a big thanks to him. I completely understand though, that the PP's are doing alot right now, given that they just started their terms and some are on vacation, which this is the time of year for that to be done.