Local News Update: The North

Day 1,945, 06:13 Published in Netherlands Canada by Aries Prime

I stumbled across some interesting information today and I felt I should share some of it with the rest of you.


Ireland held a referendum a few days ago and it was widely decided that they should join a proEDEN alliance. On the same note a large majority of the Irish population voted on joining CUA if they could get in. To counter this shift in Ireland's political stances, Spain threatened to attack Ireland if the joined CUA and UK showed strong disapproval. Ireland remains stubborn as ever and will most likely join CUA, ignoring the threats and gearing up for war.



Asgard has reignited its war with the Baltic countries, formally ABC. This war will shift pressure off of Poland while it battles to take over Russia and then China. In Netherlands we support our Asgard brothers but it is clear that they will have their hands tied for many moons to come and we won't be able to count on them to fight the Polish.


Poland vs Russia

I don't read Russian but I found these images to be fairly self explanatory. Poland continues to wage war against the Russians but it is not clear they understand where China is. As far as we can tell, Poland is looking to take over the whole of Russia, or at least the western part, until they decide to attack China. This has taken them considerably more time then they expected.


Iran's stance on Russia

Iran has decided to take the noble stance of sitting on the sidelines while Poland and Russia duke it out. They do this even though they were betrayed by their former ally, Russia. What this means for Poland is they cannot depend on Iranian help for tackling Russia. This move can only help those of us against Poland and gives Russia a little bit of breathing room.

http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/oficcial-statement-of-iran-039-s-mofa-2230365/1/20 - Nutty Fox

Coalition Anti-Poland

Obviously I have no articles to submit on this front since we are largely and underground force. Ironically Netherlands leads the front on Anti-Poland activity even though we are the smallest country fighting against the vile pink. Our president and cabinet have been working hard to organize more resistance but when we are outnumbered timing and organization are key to winning. Lay low brothers but stay vigilant for this fight is not nearly over yet.

Until next time you Dutch b*stards!

Aries Prime

*Feel free to send me more articles or updates to add to the mix