Legislatures and PTOs(JPN) 1

Day 1,010, 12:30 Published in Japan New Zealand by Marcos Arolia

(Yesterday's Article: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/interesting-times-jpn--1497810/1/20)

Day 1010 of the New World

Harbin, Heilongjiang, China


Today is the Legislative Edition of the East Asia Daily. Elections to decide who will be this month's legislative members were decided yesterday for new members or old incumbants. Also, this is the day when PTO/ATO efforts are well underway to either save or ruin a nation. Here are the listings of nation under threat or already PTOed.


Australia- Indonesian PTO; PTO ivictory 24-16
Bosnia and Herzegovina- Civil War; equal control
Croatia- Potential PTO with no Legislature; ATO victory
Denmark- Serb PTO; ATO victory 17-13
Japan- Unauthorized candidates; Succeesful
Malaysia- Serb PTO; Indonesia invasion ruins the voting process
Singapore- PTO Candidate; elected with 7 votes
South Africa- Magyar PTO; PTO leadvictory 25-11
South Korea- 3 negative candidates; 1 is elected
USA- Hungarian/Ajay Bruno PTO; Admin removed it

Legislative Elections


Imperial Sun Party: 13 (majority party, 2 wildcard)
eSOS Brigade: 9 (1 wildcard)
Godzilla Party: 8 (3 wildcard)
Democratic Party of Japan: 4 (1 wildcard)
SEES Nippon: 4 (1 wildcard)


Sin-Gan Association: 9
Korean Patriots Party: 16 (majority party, 2 wildcard)
Korean Independance Party: 10 (1 wildcard)
Socialist Party of eSK: 3 (1 wildcard)
Korean Revolutionary Party: 2


Volunteer Army: 14 (majority party, 1 wildcard)
City Party: 10 (2 wildcard)
Empire of the Sun: 11 (1 wildcard)
People's Liberation Army: 5 (1 wildcard)


HKGOLDEN: 10 (3 wildcard)
NewSMTH: 9 (3 wildcard)
Saturn Community: 11 (majority party, 6 wildcard)
Soy Sauce Party: 3 (2 wildcard)
LONG LIVE ECHINA: 5 (all wildcard)


Sorry, only China news today.


I begin with the greatest news imaginable!

The battle of Liaoning is completely inevitable!

Former president Haferkorn has said as much, along with other voices in other media in the past week. The calls to war are once again blaring loudly. To those who wish to remove Serbia from Liaoning, please contact your relevant military officials today!

Interestingly, President wangxiaoyall has issued a bounty for the head of whoever began the resistance war in Kangwon. It is essentially a training war for Chinese experience. I already have 5 victories. All Chinese should fight while it is active.

Panda's Horn has continued its Chinese version of the World War II history. To those old enough, we remember a time when Indonesia was the most powerful country in this world of ours. In this special report, the decline of Indonesia is discussed from the endpoint. The fall of the South African colonies completed the end of the Indonesian empire. Both countries on the peninsula were under PTO control, and the USA signed an agreement to hold Karnataka with India's blessing. Finally, the Brasillian invasion of Australia is discussed lightly.

The bugs continue aplenty as China can not sign an MPP with Poland due to a bug. It seems that the military module bugged and believed that Poland attacked China.


You do not need to know Chinese to know admin's responce.

One more thing:

eChina loves to eat Phoenix.

If you wish to know what that means, go to the Top newspaper articles in China. This is something one needs to find for themselves.


The Northern War (Western Front)

The UK has broken a ceasefire gentleman's agreement for the Legislative elections. jamesw, the new Prime Minister after John Bartlett resigned from his post, attacked the occupied Northeast England. Canadian Prime Minster Acacia Mason describes him as "gutless, spineless, ignorant." The responce was a simple one: Canada retreated the region and counterattacked. Another, at this point still theoretical, aspect of this war may now be attempte😛 the constant shift of timezones. In short terms, a constant game of retreat between the two nations. The winner will likely be the nation that best positions themselves for victory if the war degenerates that far.



As of this moment, Phoenix has the most PTOs/attempts in the New World. The above article is an example of the intention of the PTOers who are attempting to takr over the countries of this world of ours. A history of PTO is quite simple: Pakistan was the first to use the PTO, though it wasn't a PTO as we know it. They took over the Chinese Congress and invaded, taking over the country. Since then, PTO's were developed to what we have today. In PTOs of old, the worst that would occur was that the treasury be stolen and the country left in ruins. These 'New PTO' methods are different.

The first intentional use of the 'New PTO'(Pakistan accidently discovered it in BETA, but no one realised this thankfully) came from the long-term dictatorship of the Russians of Corea. The tactics are simple: flood the country with multis, win the elections, increase taxes to crushing levels where the population finds it difficult to survive, not to mention the starvation of babies that never have an opportunity to survive in the New World. Indonesia used this method on Australia. Today, many Aussie babies die and the Aussie population has scattered to the four winds. Australia is the New Corea of this world, and ends any thought of it being impossible in a reasonably-sized country.

Malaysia and Denmark are or were under a similar method, but different goals. Serbia is without doubt more humane in their methods as the taxes are not as burdensome as other PTOs. However, they are dangling a way to escape the PTO: Join Phoenix. This version of PTO was used only once in the past: well-known members of the PEACE alliance joined the United Kingdom and eventually over the government in a soft revolution. Serbs are attempting to force Denmark and Malaysia into joining Phoenix against their will as puppets. While Denmark successfully removed the Serb PTO in their Congress for the timebeing, Malaysia has been trapped deeper into the quagmire as Indonesia invaded and conquered Peninsular Malaysia when it appeared the Malaysians would do the same.

These 'New PTOs' are utterly disgusting. Who in their right minds would deliberately colonise a nation and kill off an entire population? Oh wait, it would be those lazy countries who can not earn their own way into convincing their neighbors and/or other peoples into following their way. From the Phoenix Charter Chapter 9:

In case of an assault on one of the Alliance members, all the other members should defend the country under assault. If this is impossible or the member states of the alliance refuse to do that by decision of the General Council, the Alliance should take steps to restore the territorial integrity of the offended member state
All members of the Alliance shall perform region swapping upon the decision of the General Council. If any hospitals or defences shall be destroyed, the member state shall be compensated for them.
All members of the Alliance shall biweekly transfer the amount of money mentioned in Paragraph 1.1.1 of Chapter 5 of this Treaty to the Treasury
This Treaty is valid for 3 months after enacting Paragraph 1.1 of Chapter 10.
If one of the parties of the Treaty gets permanently banned or its possessions are confiscated by the admins or in case of death of the party, the decision on validity of the Treaty is taken by other parties of the Treaty
Any unilateral refusals to conduct the responsibilities under this Treaty by any party are forbidden.
In case when a member of the Alliance is a member of any other alliance at the time of signing of this Treaty, the General Council must decide on whether to sign a cooperation contract with that alliance.
After signing this treaty, any member may enter any other alliance only with permission of the General Council.

If one joins Phoenix, their freedoms to act independently dwindle to near nothing. Denmark and Malaysia would become essentially puppets of the Phoenix Alliance as Corea was for many months. Both alliances have their advantages and disadvantages, anyone who reads this paper can agree with me in this. But, for those nations who value their independence and do not wish to join any alliances, such terms are completely anathema to any right-minded neutral nation, no matter which alliance they favour.

Thank you. Please vote, suscribe, and comment.

Marcos Arolia