Kattrina's CP Campaign Article

Day 2,936, 08:07 Published in Australia Australia by Kattrrina

Hello Aussies

Its that time of the month again, and once again I'm running for CP/Dict of this wonderful nation of ours.

Quick run down of my goals:


Our first order of business will be to close the tw with Chile. Why you ask? Because we have bigger fish to fry.

We will then attack USA who are currently settled in our neighbours Indonesia. Never liked this nation and its about time some nations stood up to them.

Following this we will enter into Thailand. As I've stated before I've never liked Thai food and feel the nation should be wiped out for even making the stuff.

How we going to do it?

Well we got nukes my friends our special treat from Admins this month. A pic of some of our stock:

The affects of this weapon dropped by one of these:

Will be total and devastation of the region it hits. Any citizen there at the time of the strike is rendered unable to work, train, fight or move from that region for a period of 3 months.

We have 10 of these and they will be used wisely in our campaign. With 10 more coming for every 3 regions we take.

Foreign Affairs

The job of the MoFA will be to keep everyone off my back. I won't want to have to listen to the enemy asking for mercy as we ravage them and their regions. Or our allies asking for help. I will be busy planning our moves.


Due to organising all this and bringing in bonus regions for our citizens while rendering our enemies harmless. I will be using the treasury for my personal needs.


All ministers will share equally in the spoils and their are 5 positions open send me a pm if you want one.

Candidate Aus CP/Dictator