Jon Malcom's Run for the CVP President!

Day 540, 20:02 Published in USA USA by Jon Malcom

Hey there,
Well the time has come folks for you to vote for the Conservative Presidency (I think I spelled that right).
I hope you chose the best candidate. I think that the leadership that we currently have isn't doing such a good job. Please vote a new leader in, a new vision, and a new fire in the CVP.
I will admit I have come a long way from the player that I was when I first started playing this game, I have seen the downfalls of empires and the rise of nations.
Remember that we need good have a good game.
We need a CVP that is active and will not be plagued by numerous scandals.
I don't ask that you vote me in, I ask that you vote the right candidate in.
If I don't win I will still play, I love this game, and I love the players. Thank you CVP.