Ireland at War!

Day 1,947, 08:51 Published in Netherlands Canada by Aries Prime

Ireland vs UK

A few hours ago the Irish CP announced they were at war with the UK. Apparently this has been caused by some rogue congressmen whom refused to end the NE for the training war at the designated time. Not only did they refuse to end the NE, they decided to start up an NE with Spain which was voted down as well. The UK has considered these actions as an insult and have decided to wipe Ireland in response. They have stated that they will end the war if Ireland gets its act together but peace looks grim.

Netherlands/Ireland Pact

Many of you do not know of this but we actually have a strong pact with Ireland and have for many months (Thanks Joep O). Our pact states that we will defend and come to each other's aid in the event of a war. As we have seen from the past, we aided Norway in its fight against the UK even without a pact because we stand by our allies.

The complications with this situation is that Ireland was its own downfall. They caused their own demise. This causes our involvement in the situation to be difficult to approach. Hopefully this situation is worked out peacefully, but in the event it does not, we should be prepared to come to Ireland's aid.

One thing about Netherlands that separates us from other countries is our strong conviction and loyalty. We do not bow. So...

I told you Winter is Coming,

Aries Prime

*Stealing my pics as always : )