Interview with USWP Party President Josh Frost

Day 1,339, 11:38 Published in USA USA by portcolumbus

Finally, 3/5 of the PP interview series is done, so let's all rejoyce by staying indoors to be the heat and instead of trying to get baked on your front porch, come inside and read Meet the Press, the newspaper that serves America always and forever. Today, we get an interview with someone who has sorta become a frequent guest of this paper, the PP for the USWP, Josh Frost. I would like to say thanks to Josh for taking the time out of his day to take this list of questions and send them back answered, it means alot.


1) What are some goals you have for your party, the USWP, during your term as PP?

Activity is a big thing for us. We need to get people more involved and helping the party and country as a whole. We have already started a job fair to get people working in the USWP. We intend to expand into other areas.. soon. 😉

2) Do you approve of how President Blank Keating is doing his job, and if not, what would you be doing differently?

I don't offer commentary on other Presidents. I'm sure he is doing the best job he can do considering the hand he was dealt.

3) We all know the USWP just got out of the hands of Stanley Ibcus, so what do you plan to do to help restore public confidence in your party?

Well, we intend to increase activity and recruitment drives first off. Our next course of action is to actually do something to help out members. Lastly we intend to have a very prominent and vocal group of Congressmen representing us this election.

4) How do you feel about the current rate of recovery the nation is setting after the course of wars endured?

Everything will go at its own pace. There is no rush to get every state back. these things take time.

5) I'd imagine many eAmericans wanna help out, but don't know how to help serve the eUS better. What are some things you think more people should be doing?

Become active members of the community and make sure you fight as much as humanly possible.

6) Is there anything you would like to say to the readers of Meet the Press about yourself?

I am a cat that can type. I am a living; breathing phenom. Stay tuned for more!
If you have not already read, I am running as the candidate for the USWP in Illinois, and hopefully I have the support of the American people. I have already posted my letter of candidature, but I'll leave the link again for you, as it was posted as the last article of this paper about 7 hours ago. Keep tuned with Meet the Press as the final two PP interviews come in, and we get the chance to fully review the candidates.

Link to Campaign Article: