Interview with hsr12 aka timberjack

Day 1,016, 16:08 Published in India Germany by Iseutz

Hi everybody,

i thought the upcoming election is still a bit boring, even if we have 4 candidates so far*. Thats why i decided to ask the candidates again some dumb questions.

And my first victim was hsr12. Maybe you have read hsr12s presention, in which he told us, what his presidential goals will be, if he got your votes. I recommend, that you have a quick look, because my questions are refering to his points.

Here we go, jumping directly into the action:
Iseutz: Training war - how, with whom, when? Speaking about training battles i have to mention, that this was a hard nut to crack and although MoFa made big efforts, we got nothing untill the staff decided to attack Serbia. What do you think about this war, are you prepared to deal with the changes this move may bring to India?
hsr12: Now the solution to our TW problems lies in MPPs we need to use our gold jusiciouly. Unfortunelty the TW system has gone away due to the new military strucutre, hence we need to try to allied or we need to attack Pakistan regions and they do the same to us. I just hope we can participate in President elections and make sure that India does not get wiped off the map

MPP - The question about MPPs isnt only about getting some, but also about an overall strategy. The big issue called neutrality is always pressing. What relationships will you aim for and, beside of that, how do you plan to deal with the angry Serbs at our gates (what isn't the 'fault' of all CP candidates, but will be their problem soon). And you said, we will be neutral to all countries not showing aggressions towards us. If you had to clarify the term 'aggression' how whould your explication sound?
Aggression would include countries trying to PTO us and of course having a direct war with us and trying to take over us . but the MPPs, the countries we have tried to get MPPs from have said that they will sign it when a country directly attacks us. Then our only chance would be to become allied which is highly unlikely as we have a small population. But we would have to sign some MPPs and after all sometimes it our country that matters and not what our critics say.

MoD - Thank you for your trust in me, i will do everything to let noone down. But i'm curious, who shall be your other ministers? We have foreign relations, internal, finances, economy and community. Can you tell us more about the maybe new staff of government? Have you ideas how to improve the quite difficult situation because of the very few active people who try to manage India?
We shall decide the team after the election i shall be putting up a forum post regarding this. I would not like to count my chickens before they hatch.

IAF - As current MoD and normal citizen i'm very interested what do you exactly mean with 'permanent battalion structure'. As you know, we have only very few soldiers and even those aren't what i could call elite. Of course all are good people, it wasn't meant as insult. But we're still far away from being an effective army with reliable soldiers and stable structures. To establish a permanent structure may reduce our options how to structure the IAF under different circumstances than we have now.
TBH i want a permanent battalion structure as it keeps on changing and its such a hassle. The 1st steps to to such a structure is having the same MoD which i plan to do as 1 month is not enough to plan and execute the structure . We could have some flexibility in the structures.

Constitution - We have a constitution? How interesting. Similar to my question about the battallion problem i'd like to ask how a highly timeconsuming task like 'rewriting a constituion' can benefit India in the current situation. We don't even have a fully active congress. Who should do all the complicated reflections, which are inevitable, speaking of constitutions...
All of us together the constitution hasnt been used for a while due to PTO hence we might need to remake it and follow it. And again it will take more than a month. I shall discuss with my opponents and think about this point.

Presidential abilities - Thats a big point i guess. I hope we will see some improvements. But although very important, good tools aren't everything. I haven't seen you as a politican or prominent player in India, delivering speeches and visions to the small population. In other words, your public relations are quite nonexistent. A good president has to communicate with his staff as well as with the general public. What will you do to establish public relations and transparency?
Well thats what i have been hearing for a while but unfortunately after 'hsr sr' got banned i havent actually gotten into public interaction except that i am active on IRC well i think i can regain my lost glory and maybe coz you guys are a new generation of players think that im a toal noob in public relations and for a few motnhs i have been working on tools and hence not been able to get into the political sphere.

Thx for the interview, hsr12!

*David Forde was nominated without knowing, i expect him to be exchanged with hsr12, who haven't got a nomination yet.