Interview with hsr12

Day 988, 12:09 Published in India Germany by Iseutz

hi everyone,
here comes the second - and maybe already last- interview with the CP candidates who competed in the indian forum, the well known hsr12. Even if he don't run for CP in the end, i asked him several questions and i'm confident, that his answers will be of interest. Btw, i made some edits on the original syntax, because the exact irc.dialogue was sometimes confusing.

I tried to meet Dharma Vardhan too, but he didn't show up at the agreed time and i got no additional reaction from him (maybe rl stuff, who knows). And due to the delay i haven't even asked the other candidate, Swathikrishnan, for an interview, but he seems not that superactive and cp-ready anyways.

Beside that we have now 2 candidates ingame, come2findu and Neeraj 10, c2fu is the official one. Luckily the PTO-er haven't fielded their candiate, maybe they are happy by voting for Neeraj 10 instead of c2fu to cause some minor trouble.
Well, more than enough explanations for now, here we go:

Hi hsr12, thank you for participating. After you have not much time, i'll be the bull at the gate: Are you happy with the current situation of India?
No , We infact have a small population and suddenly now people have begun to identify themselves with parties rather than nation. At least in these times of PTO we need to stay as one. And the product prices - they are not enough compared to the wages the companies pay.
(editors note: i think with 'not enough' he means 'not ok' or something similar)

Which of these problems would be of your main concern, if you became CP? And what would be the least of your concerns?
Mainly the small population. We need a larger population for better growth and then we can have diversity and identity by party and, of course, lesser chances of a PTO.
C2fu said in his interview something similar, when claiming he could create a babyboom. Do you promise the same?
Yes, yes i do 🙂
Do you two work together in this matter?
Yes, you could say that. We both have been working together for quite some time now, including the ATO team.

I think you are a battalion commander too. And you said in the forum something about plans for the military. Can you tell us more about it?
I would like a 4 battalion structure, so we can attack from alll 4 sides. And i want the battalions to be competitive.
What do you mean with 4 sides?
The 4 corners. Suppose we are attacking so we would have to zoom in on the the target. So it would be better, if we had battalions from all the 4 corners. And Back to the competitiveness - battalions should go out and get members. Rather than the other way round this would create a healthy competition and we should get a faster more efficient process this way. I have even developed a orders !! for disseminating orders.
Why didn't you do this already? Does the current mod not agree with this idea?
I used to do this in v1 with the ladkah scouts. But MoD kept on changing new battalion, new structure.
What happened to the old unit, did everyone disappear with v2 starting?
V2 is a new life. And battalions got dissolved about 3-4 months before v2.

You seem to have decided to not run for CP ingame. Would you like to become the next mod?
Yes, this time PTO candidate did not apply or we could have had a larger elections with more candidates.
Hopefully the next cp election will be completely TO-free. I have no more questions, but maybe you want to speak about one or more issues by yourself?
I would also like to mention that Aman (come2findu) should not take all the credit for The ATO work he did (he says he saved India from PTO). Even i did make multis, but only to save India. The PTO thread was large at that time and admins were pathetic.