Interview with come2findu

Day 985, 16:05 Published in India Germany by Iseutz

hopefully this interview is the first of four, depending of the other candidates willingness to be tormented by me 😉. Untill then, have fun with this one.

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Hi come2findu, thanks for taking some time. I hope, i don't keep you away from important government stuff.
Frankly speaking right now i was playing in #mafia. It's a nice game 😃

Hehe... Speaking of important things, what do you actually do in the government and how much time do you spend for your tasks?
Well, i'm online most of the time, around 12 hours or more daily. I'm managing the companies of the army
(editors note: c2fu is MoD)

Since you seem to be very dedicated you surely have a clear idea about the situation in india right now. how would you describe it in a few sentences?
We are still under PTO threat. :/
By whom?
Thats the thing which we are researching upon. We dont know it. Though its veyla-x, but we dont know its origin. He has been to forums twice, we banned him.

Is the situation different from the days when you have started planing erepublik?
Sorry, didn't got your question.
Well, it was months ago, when you started playing erepublik and fought against PTOs. And today you still fighting PTOs. It seems like the trouble never ended. Are there any differences or is it still the same old game for you?
It is different now. It's always different. First, there was mafia from iran - they backed off. Then some serbs came. Then some Stephen von Joeberg came. And now, we don't know who they are. (i guess Stephen again). So every month it was a new story 🙂
And you don't find that frustrating?
We do. But it's about my country, so we have to handle it.

Good to see you're still up and fighting. But lets change the topic for now. You said several times, that it is your time now. That you have to become the next president. Big question - why?
Because i deserve it 😉
Because i saved india from PTO for 8 months. Fair enough, i guess.
Any other good reasons, why the indians should vote for you?
I can get a baby boom 😉 That's what india need :d I got several plans 😉
A babyboom? Let me guess now, also by very personal pyhsical dedication 😁. Around the world candidates always tell their voters they have a plan for a babyboom. Would you like to give us some details?
Nah 😛 It's secret.
Ok, fine by me. But another mean question... are there reasons to not vote for you?
Yes. I made multis before and some people think i still make them. So they got a reason, but as for me - i left them 😉

Interesting. Speaking of multis... India suffers a lack of active users. This has severe effects, among other things for the political life. Any idea, why people don't want to participate in parties etc?
Well, we used to had a two party system: IU vs DPI. But as we are under PTO threat we united and stand upfront 🙂
And to be united is a reason to stay silent? That is a somewhat strange reaction...
Well, we can't have party politics when we are under PTO threat.
Isn't this is the perfect situation to keep control of a country? Kind of: "There is a threat, stop arguing, follow our orders". And indeed the gov always says, they keep the last decision etc. Do you think, this is the right way to handle the things?
Didn't we had a poll? Isn't that democracy? We select people on the forum and then the chosen one is voted in game.
You know the group of active people in india. That makes it easy to stay in control. But transparency is always an issue. Will you change things to be more transparent?
Well, about transparency. If you are damn straight, then you can not be a nice president. We need to be diplomatic.
So you prefer to be nice instead of being honest? Where exactly do you need to be diplomatic in questions of finances or military?
In finance you need not to be diplomatic but in military/international affairs. Like helping EDEN and stuff 😛. Still we are neutral 😃
And you would help PHOENIX too?
I guess, who give my troops dollars get the help ;P I need my soldiers to be trained.
Wow, thats an intesting statement.
My soldiers needs training no matter who gives them weapos and money. They need experience.

Ok, the second last question... What about your staff, who will become your ministers and why?
The staff isn't decided and the criterion is activeness. Be active on irc and you may get the shot
Some reader might be interested - do you take applications?
Yes, i do, every department is open (except NPF). And we will have a meeting to choose the cabinet on irc. this will be transparent 🙂
To the last question - relieved? 😁 - Would you please sum up, what goal did you set for yourself and for the nations? what you want to achieve for india?
Well, lets give indians some fun, a real war maybe and a babyboom

Thanks for your time and that you didn't got angry on me 😁. I bet i got you close at some moments ;P