Interview with Argrob ( ENG )

Day 1,476, 14:30 Published in Slovakia Slovakia by Luxia Borgia
I decided to make my newspaper a little more „international“ so I plan to start interviews with famous players from different countries and battle sides. I already did interview with Smrtan ( - SK only), and now please enjoy my interview with Argrob:

Do you like our beer?

Rođen sam u Dalmaciji. Tradicionalno se u mome kraju više pije vino. Ali volim katkad popiti i pivu.

I was born in Dalmatia. Traditionally people drink more wine there, but i love to have a beer sometimes.

What is your opinion of eCzechoslovakia? And did you ever visited Czech Republic or Slovakia in RL ?

Na mojoj eRep mapi postoji Czech Republik i Slovakia. Za koju e-državu me pitaš? Poslovno sam mnogo puta bio u Pragu. Jednom i u Bratislavi.

There is Czech Republic and Slovakia on my eRep map. Which country is your question about? I was many times in Prague on a businesses trip and once in Bratislava too.

How did you started to play eRep and how it was for you on the start? Do you think a babyboom is possible?

Moj eRođendan je 666. dana eRepa. Kaže se, da su počeci teški. Mislim da nije uvijek tako. Ako su oko nas ljudi spremni pomoći početak može biti zabavan i veseo. Upravo tako je bilo tada u eRepu. Babyboom? Ako se oko nečega potrudimo, mnogo toga je moguće.

My ebirthday is 666th eRep day. They say that all beginnings are difficult. I don’t think that is the case always. If people around us are willing to help a beginning can be fun. It was just like that in eRep then. Babyboom? If we make an effort a lot of things are possible.

Which version of eRep do you or did you like the most, and why ?

Sve verzije su imale dobrih i loših strana. Tko želi igrati prilagoditi će se promjenama. No, to je manje bitno. Ono što ih stalno prati je pokušaj izigravanja pravila i to je jedino što me smeta. Katkad to ubije volju za nastavkom igranja.

All versions had good sides and bad ones. If you wanna play this game you must adapt to changes, but that is less important. The thing that is present in all version is the attempt to break the rules and that’s the only thing that
bothers me. Sometimes it makes you lose the will to continue playing.

You were a CP for 2 times, how was it for you ? What do you think about political module of eRepublik?

Koliko je teško nešto biti, pa i CP, ovisi o tome koliko smo spremni potrošiti vremena. Dva mjeseca bio sam otprilike po 16 sati u igrici dnevno i nije bilo lako. Ali na kraju pamte se samo lijepi trenuci, one teške i ružne sklon sam zaboraviti. Politički modul je nedorečen. Na njemu bi se moglo još puno raditi.

How much is difficult to be something, CP too, depends on how much time we are willing to dedicate. For 2 months i was in-game about 16 hours daily and it wasn’t easy. In the end i remember only nice moments, the difficult and bad ones i tend to forget. Political module is unfinished. A lot of work could be done there.

How is your opinion of bazookas?
Ne smetaju mi.
I don’t mind them

What moment in eRepublik did you enjoy the most?

Da ne uživam u igri sigurno nebih bio ovdje. Ne mogu izdvojiti neki poseban trenutak u igri, ali sam siguran da me veselilo biti na eRep mitingu u Budimpešti.

If i didn’t enjoy the game i wouldn’t be here. I can't think of a special moment in the game, but i was very happy to be on eRep meeting in Budapest.

Which one of the ONE or pro-one countries do you like the most and why?

Sviđati se mogu ljudi, a ne e-države. Vjerujem da u svakom kutku svijeta, i u protivničkom Savezu, ima poštovanja vrijednih suigrača. I obrnuto.

I can like people but not e-countries. I believe that in every corner of eWorld, even in enemy alliance, there are players that deserve respect. And the other way around.

If you would have the power to reform the eRep, what would you do?

Kad bi? Ne mogu razmišljati na takav način. Imam mogućnost igrati po pravilima, a promjene prepuštam onome tko je za to zadužen.

If i would? I can’t think like that. I have the possibility to play by the rules and i’ll leave the changes to those who are in charge of them.

A trollolo question (cannot resist, sorry - no need to answer if you dont like): What if Serbia and Croatia in eRepublike wanted to create an alliance?

To mi još uvijek ne izgleda kao moguća opcija.

That still doesn’t look to me like a possible option.

Is there anything you want to say to eCSFR players? (be nice and say nice things pls : )))

Nikada se neće dogoditi da svi budemo zadovoljni. Uvijek će netko željeti više ili jače. Ali važno je da ne izgubimo poštovanje prema sebi i drugima. Iako upornost i nije uvijek vrlina, ništa se ne može postići bez toga.

It’s impossible for all of us to be satisfied. Someone will always want more or more stronger. It’s important not to lose self-respect and respect to others. Although persistence is not a virtue nothing can’t be achieved without it.

Thank you for interview, Argrob.

My personal request to the readers: please be so kind and do not troll here. Please consider this article (and the future ones) as a neutral place , disregarding the battle sides. All my guests deserve respect, they were so kind to have a look on my questions, which I am deeply thankful about.

Moja osobná prosba: prosím netrollujte tu. Prosím považujte toto a všetky budúce interviews za neutrálne miesto. Moji hostia boli takí láskaví a venovali čas mojim otázkam, za čo si zaslúžia rešpekt. Vopred ďakujem! Luxia