Insanely Fabulous Prizes! \o/

Day 2,198, 13:22 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Sparkfyre
Salaams & Hey to All!

It's good to be back and I seem to have missed some interesting events 😛 including my eDemise and then eResurrection...I wonder if that makes me the eLiving Dead?? O.O

But to those of you who supported me, defended me through it all and didn't doubt me in the least: You are AWESOME :3 and I know exactly who you are (front and foremost TheJakal, Didei, Fanaxidiel, Muz97, Bilal, Strywgr, Heart Stealer, Saylar, Uzair, Nyx Lynx, Nieder and many more!) because that's what loyalty is all about. o7

DPP is made up of people who all contribute to the party and do their share, no individual can define it because we are ALL a part of it.

Now, on to the reason why you're reading this article!
Insanely Fabulous Prizes!!
Who doesn't like the sound of that? And these prizes could be yours in the contest I will explain below.

The first puzzle will be posted on Day 2,199 at 05:00 and the first three correct answers (sent in PM only) will be given a prize.

The second puzzle will be posted exactly 24 hours later and the third puzzle on the third day same time. Each puzzle will have three separate winners.

The person who has the most positions at the end of the last day will get a Grand Prize!

So what will the Prizes be, you ask?

For the the individual puzzles:

1st Prize: 8g
2nd Prize: 70 Q7 Weapons
3rd Prize: 50 Q7 Weapons
2 Runner-ups: 50 Q6 weapons each

The Prize for the Most Positions hel😛
The Grand sum of 12 gold

Big Thanks to the following people who made such generous donations on such short-notice! Especially Pato Ar, who gave me full rein on this project 😁

Pato Ar - 10 gold
Berserk - 10 gold
TheJakal - 200 Q7 Weapons
Fyrious - 5 gold
Scorpion King - 5 gold
Huskei - 50 Q6 Food

A straight-forward competition with awesome rewards! 😃 Hopefully I'll be seeing lots of participation by our awesome Citizens! 😁

Make sure to give the answers in PM or the entry will be disqualified.

Good Luck!