Increasing population- Healthier Citizens

Day 588, 07:11 Published in India India by Internal Affairs India

Hi guys,
This is an update which will make everyone of us happy.
The stats have something to say-

Country - India
International Rank- 34 ( it was 44 a month ago)
Regions- 9 (It was 3 last month)
Citizens- 540 ( it was 440 ,15 days ago)
New Citizens Today- 18 ( 13 new yesterday- These days among the best in Indian History)
Average Level- 14 (INDIA) and 14 (eWorld)

Population per Region-
Andhra Pradesh - 41
Chattisgarh - 8
Gujarat - 35
Jammu and Kashmir - 22
Kerala - 25
North East India - 30
Orissa - 310
Rajasthan - 27
Tamil Nadu - 52

Approximately 60% of Indian Citizens have access to Hospital.

We have all medium resource regions
The value of our currency in terms of gold is 1gold = 36 INR

We have an active population of more than 200 citizens.

We are being returned the region of Maharashtra tomorrow.

The total worth of the Indian Government Bank is more than 2400 gold.

We have one q5 hospital installed in Orissa and have war games on a daily basis.

We have our own forums here and our own website here .

Anant Singhal,
Minister of Internal Affairs