Inaugural address to the people of eIndia [2nd update]

Day 1,051, 04:48 Published in India Germany by Iseutz

UPDATE: Proposed a MPP with Canada. Please vote YES.
UPDATE 2: Proposed MPP will be rejected with a very small majority of canadian congress. Also ePakistan had proposed the promised declaration of war. The war will start in ap. 14 hours. Leave the border regions near ePakistan, move to Kerala, Karnataka or North-Eastern India.

Dear citizens,

the elections are over and you have made your choice. A majority voted for me and as it looks we were free of significant manipulation attempts. It is a tiny relieve in very dark times. I ran for precidency to give eIndia the order and strucutures our country needs so badly. Therefore we switch to work right now. I will explain the situation (from my point of view) and what we intend to do.

International Affairs - Devil or deep blue sea?
In the last few weeks and month many things got broken, we and our friends had suffered many disappointments and devastating decisions. Decisions made by eIndians as well as foreign interest groups. On the front line of these groups are the so called Dioists, who managed to feed on our flaws and drive a wedge between eIndia and many of our friends and allies. The result is a war against ePakistan, heavyly supported by Dioists from all over the world and the sinister power of real money. Also we lost a great deal of reliability and are quite isolated at the moment. Thats a direct result when a weak country is trying to be neutral and suddenly things get out of hands...

Our new government and i are forced to make hard, yes, hurting choices now. Not because we want to, but because we have to save eIndia from total annihilation. We have not many options left:
- We can fight with our heads high, but losing the whole country
- We can cut a deal with PHX or EDEN
- We can try to get several MPPS and rearrange our foreign relationships
- I can start to manipulate time and space (aka 'drink much alcohol and being weepy all day long')

All these choice aren't perfect, they only differ in the degree of HOW bad things will go. We will make some very fast decisions and i ask you all, citizens, loyal congressmen and friends of eIndia, to support us.

Economy - Necessary tax changes
The tax setting of eIndia can't stay as it is right now, not on the brink of a devastating war. We need to maximize the damage every single citizen can do. The consequence of this specific goal is to lower import taxes on food, iron and weapons.

- We need cheap food, because every citizens should be able to buy as much as he/she can. More Food = more Health = more Damage
- We need both cheaper goods and generally more supply. Just check the market, there are huge gaps
- We need lowered iron costs, because the iron industry is raising the salaries therefore draining workers from manu-companies. Also high iron costs mean high product costs

I'm fully aware of the negative impact on our domestic industries. But if we don't do the right thing, there will be no more country. And when i have the choice between saving eIndia and saving the profit of merchants, you know what i will choose... I'm still congressman untill the final results are published, so i'm using my two proposals right now.

Food - 5 Inc, 25 Import, 1 vat - proposed
Iron - 8 Inc, 50 Import - proposed
Rifle - 5 Inc, 15 Import, 1 vat - proposed
Tank - 5 Inc, 15 Import, 1 vat - proposed
Artillery - 5 Inc, 5 Import, 1 vat
Air Unit - 5 Inc, 5 Import, 1 vat
(@all congressmen - for the best of eIndia, please vote with YES)

We will adjust (raise or lower) the taxes as soon as possible, depending on how the situation is developing.

Internal affairs - get the government together
I'm focused on the international affairs and the necessary emergency decisions right now, so starting to (re)build structures and getting a normal workflow will be an issue in three of four days from now on. Having said that, i can assure you, that my staff and me are working together for days now. And i couldn't wish for better support that i have got already. It is a great feeling, when you know, there is a dedicated team giving you backup and working for the same purpose.

I will explain every single step and every decision we're making. If you have the urge to ask questions or criticize my/our decisions, feel free to do so. We need to be on the same page. Sometimes it will be hard and we will have angry debates. But we will get through, we will fight against the Dioists, we will survive the terrible changes in the MPP rules and in the end, eIndia is stronger and bigger than before.

Jai hind!
New President of eIndia