Im leaving on a Jetplane

Day 1,748, 01:23 Published in Canada South Africa by OKayOK

If eCanada was my real home, I could look past the political monopolies of the Norsefire and MDP. If I felt this was my home, I would fight for this country to be better, but this is NOT my home.

I mean no disrespect to to the people here. I should have never come here to begin with. I have always been a eSouth African, and my thoughts were that coming to a new country would somehow rekindle my drive in the game. The complete opposite happened. I destroyed any drive that I had.

The reasons for this is simple. The problems (big ones) that eCanada face are not my fight. I look back at my old home and I see that there are problems there. I feel that I have more drive for my motherland than here, and that is not fair on me or the people of eCanada.

Thank you eCanada for you hospitality. I will remember you all and I am sure our paths will cross again