Ideas to change (save ? ) our army.What do you think ?

Day 1,372, 16:10 Published in United Kingdom Turkey by Turkish Aviator Hero


My name is rems2a, I’m a former soldier in the French and sA army ( both regular and elite ) and currently a member of the UKEF.

First let me tell you about what happens to me every day.
I work in a government company and then I get 16 weapons ( 574 gbp if you use the market price).That is a lot right ? It’s probably just because I’m part of the elite, I must have to be on IRC 24/24.

I don’t have to go on IRC, I’m supposed to follow the official orders but in fact, there are only basic methods of finsing out where I fight. I can do whatever I please. Who cares where I fight? I already got my weapons .Of course most people don’t act like that. But some people probably do. It’s what we in the Armed Forces call a waste of money.

To get all of those weapons we work in government companies.That was maybe possible before the 5 workers/company limit but it’s no longer possible, or it requires a crazy amount of companies (the uk army consumes around 700 tanks day so around 30,000 raw per day.).So you need at least 63 people working in q5 companies so 13 q5 weapons companies, and 126 people working in raw companies so 25 q5 raw companies. Is that really possible ? Difficult (impossible?)

So the government has to buy the weapons, meaning we are losing money so it sounds like we should change this system.


I see several different ways;

1) Same system but decrease the amount of supplies

Good part
: costs less, not a big change, and we still get daily/supplies.

Bad part : people are going to leave and it still costs a lot of work to donate.

2) Don’t do anything

Good part : …

Bad part : we are going to run out of money.

3) A new way of thinking based around the efficiency

To understand this method you first need to understand that two fighters with the same strength and rank are not as equally useful. The one who fights in a battle that we are currently winning 7/0 , 1770/0 is useless.the one who fights at the right moment, at the right place is precious, no matter what their rank or strength.

Given that, I propose to :

1) Let people work wherever they want to.

2) No more daily supplies since you are not working for the gov. ( easier for everyone , and we can use those companies to make money with regular workers )

3) Supplies for those who are on IRC at the right moment so we can actually be efficient and useful.

Good part : Costs less , more efficient , less work , solved the money problem.

Bad part : Some non active player might leave. It’s sad.But do we really need them ? Yes they are awesome but we need to use our money the most efficient way possible. It’s how I want to see my taxes being used.

So what do you think ?
What should we do to save our army ? What should we do to use our money efficiently ?