I'm running for VP for you!

Day 1,501, 12:29 Published in South Africa Norway by Enriche2Ribeiro

Well You have heard by now!

Grimstone made the announcement about his running for Country president again in January 2012. I have been given the honour of running as his Vice president.

I approached Grimstone about the position saying that I wanted to learn what it entailed to be a President and who better to learn from then someone who has done it a couple of times. I have a vision of what I want to achieve this term as vice president.

But I wanted to ask you for your opinion. I am after all doing it for you. What do you believe the responsibilities of a vice president should be? Let me know here.

I would like to thank the Union of Patriots for standing behind me. Let us do this thing.

Your next Vice President
Proud supporter of naartjie eaters worldwide